Friday, September 23, 2016

Proof Worth Publishing?

Friday Freestyle
September 23, 2016

Scientific Discovery versus Human Feeling

They sat down across from each other, at this small table. A putrid smell of old coffee and Lysol filled the air. Awkward eye contact became avoided. The topic of conversation was about to rise up and they had to face it head on. Jim started first, "Dr. Schwartz, these findings... We have to share them with the public!"

Frank replied, "Dr. Weiss, you know that this would shake them to the core. The public isn't ready for this just yet. It's like the truth about a cure for cancer, no one will believe it until it's too late."

"This isn't some conspiracy or controversial topic, our findings from all the DNA testing prove something. We, as humans, are evolving! We have found the proof of it."

"It's not what we found that they don't want to know, it's what the human race is going to become that will terrify them." Frank Schwartz adjusted the mug in his hands as the sugar-dense coffee swirled inside. All this time he had spent researching and the young man points out the breakthrough. Was he jealous? He probably was, but that hasn't stopped him from sharing the truth before.

Jim Weiss sat there waiting for a stronger emotional argument to formulate in his mind. He just watched the mug rotate in Frank's hands. "You know it's the right thing to tell them Frank, we just need to talk to Megs about how to do so."

"Listen man, this is going to hit close to home for a lot of people. Especially Megs. How do you think they're going to feel? That they know their kids and all those who follow will have to deal with this?"

"Deal with it?" Jim was astonished at how Frank positioned their finding, "It's goddamn progress for us as sentient beings."

Frank scoffed, "That's just it man, we will be come less sentient! More... more... more..."

"More primitive?" Now Jim was becoming offended.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I do agree in terms of intellect it's progress, but to lose ground on other psychological fronts, it's not exactly a win-win."

"Frank, how should we position it?"

"Jim, there's no proof of the physiological progression of humans. Yeah, we're taller on average and getting better with diseases, but that's how society's progressed. As a general populace, we are no longer developing our anatomy."

"Because we no longer have to! Technology has enabled us to become stronger through efficiency and information."

Frank slammed his left hand down, "Why should we tell them now? That we won't become any better at using our bodies or our emotions, in fact they'll both grow weaker... Just so we can sacrifice them to benefit our capacity for thought and processing." In an effort to calm himself down, a deep breath was drawn inward, held, then released outward. "As an American society, we have come to embrace the expression of the self and celebrated the arts. We've begun to teach the average child to love creativity and to only use math and logic for work."

"By telling the world, we can change the trajectory of the world now by being proactive, instead of reactivity. We should share this news!"

"Do you really think that the world is ready to be told our next step in the evolution?"


"Are you sure we should tell them that humans will all develop into a brood of introverted beings with trouble communicating, developing relationships, and emotional detachment?"

"I.... I'm...."

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Obsessiveness & Creativity

Thursday Thought
September 22, 2016

Creating Ideal Series of Events

Internal Determination for the Perfect Plot

I enjoy writing. This blog is an example of how much I enjoy it because you don't usually just do create any fine art for free. There's something more that I appreciate better than the writing of what I hope my audience receives as inspirational and thoughtful posts, I drive such enjoyment from writing fiction. There's something about creating a story or even less than that... Thrusting a newly created character into an alternate universe sometimes eerily similar to ours. From that point you paint their backstory, giving them depth into their past and drives into their future. 

There are plenty of movies and books that have inspired me to write a whole story based off of minuscule parts... An exchange of words or glances traded or feelings felt. Where I find most inspiration for writing is within my own mind and the experiences it interprets from the world around me. Pretty vague I know, but imagine with me... I invest a piece of myself, my morals, or my experiences into certain characters, perhaps a little bit into all of them, that's how I figure out their mechanics of existence. 

When creating plots and writing fiction, I can envision a single scene with great clarity and detail. So within that single setting of time and space and within that capsule of exchange between characters, it all comes together... Where I struggle is the trajectory goes from that point forward. So bear with me as I continue to write singular scenes that may hopefully provoke numerous questions that have will little follow-up in future posts. As the writer, I ask that you please bear with me as the creation and development will not stop. Ever.

Currently, I am perfecting about three to four different stories each with what I hope to be a unique plot. Sure themes or storylines may be shared, but I hope that what they provoke from you, the reader, is much stronger and more authentic than what others may create. Enjoy with me each piece of me that I create, for those who care about me can understand the man underneath better with each excerpt and interpretation. 

I will continue to write. I am in search of those heavy-hitting scenes and powerful writing that not only provokes great feelings from the reader but also from myself when I read it again. Those chills when something strikes you deep in the heart, but it enters in the form of words fed through your eyes and processed by your brain. That heartbreak you'll feel or a great smile you'll wear or even the faces you'll make to mimic a character's expressions or feelings, that's what I pursue as a writer. I'll be damned if I don't conquer that pursuit. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Here's to Heroes

Wednesday Wander
September 21, 2016

Who are Heroes? What's Heroic?

Merriam-Webster: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. 

There are heroes of literature, they rule in fiction and possess powers of greater magnitudes than any normal human in real life. This character-type is often idolized because we see then in portions, all of which are controlled to carry a certain savory tone that we learn to crave. Each unimaginable feat or epic deed they accomplish with us as their audience, our astonishment grows and magnifies our admiration of them while diminishing the wonderful acts of everyday humans in all kinds of situations. If we only reviewed the highlight reels of a human's life, we could portray them as this epic being who was responsible for defeating the odds and rising against much more powerful forces.

This can be you, the hero. Actually, you should be the hero in your own story.

None of us mortal human beings are perfect. It's actually what makes us so wonderfully exciting and horrifying at the same time. We might screw up or we might have tragic flaws that could end our ambitious journey, and if those blemishes on our character don't make our plot turn for the worst then it's an enchanting story to follow along with. 

Would your story be worth the read? Are you that character that a reader (such as yourself) could fall in love with? Questions worth a second of reflection and penny's thoughts. 

As you live out your own adventure, you must remember that not everything will make the cut into your memoir nor can it fit into comic panels. Those around you will always remember the big moments and the little feelings that you provided while you were on your flight path. At the recollections, those who care will turn in memories of you performing awesome or awful things, most of which won't be spoken because that would just be impolite. Wise folks advise that we should make our stories worth writing about... Our lives should be worth smiling about in reflection and warm the hearts of loved ones in any moment. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Acting on Ambition

Tuesday Take
September 20, 2016

“To feel ambition and to act upon it is to embrace the unique calling of our souls. Not to act upon that ambition is to turn our backs on ourselves and on the reason for our existence.”

- Steven Pressfield -

A quote from Pressfield's book Turning Pro, there are many things that he writes that I agree with, many of which are actually about writing and fighting the resistance that boils inside us. 

Now in regards to those howls from the far reaches of your soul, those cavernous halls of your core... That's the hunger, ambition, desire to do more and to strive to realize our best selves. Some have louder callings than others, unfortunately, there are others who lack any calling at all. Why do we have these secular and human feelings when in reaction to a calling so spiritually emotional? That's a tough question, perhaps it's based on the connections between the physical and the spiritual or it's just the power that the soul has. 

Nonetheless, ambition is a powerful potion and a wonderful precursor to work. If neglect of your ambition is persistent throughout life, then you shall be investing in your own decay and your life is to produce little of real meaning. Billions of people in the audience, they're all waiting with baited breath to see your great performance, whether you are ready it or not, it's going to be a spectacular display, neither you or I should miss it for the world. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Defeat is a Decision

Monday Mountain
September 19, 2016

Defeat Does Not Just Happen to You

Those are harsh words. Suck it up, buttercup. I do not mean defeat like losing the last breath of life out of you, I mean defeat as in that sinking feeling when you give up. It happens to all of us at some point, mostly as a child. It's not until you gain a level of maturity when you acknowledge that the fault lies on your own shoulders. Think about it this way: as a kid, you would fall down and perhaps scrape your knee, well at that point when you start to cry for yourself because of the pain, that's when you become defeated.

It's just worse to become defeated when you get older because you gain so much more power, intelligence, wisdom, and spirit. As the number of days you've lived grows, you should grow in all of those facets so the likelihood of you being in a situation with unfavorable odds decreases. Admitting you're overwhelmed is your first step backward, at which point you may as well just give up. Sure, there are lots of things that may daunt your courage, that doesn't mean they should stop you. 

Over a series of events in my adulthood, a lot of unfortunate things have happened. I've been pushed to my limits. I've had the metaphorical wind taken out of my sails. I've resided in low valleys. I've swum in waters deeper than I am tall. I've been burned on passions. I've experienced a lot of feelings and situations where the decision about defeat was put on my shoulders. Not every situation was left in victory, there were times when I accepted the defeat because I could not carry on.

At this point now in my life, I will say no to defeat. I've tasted that sour solution to my sorrows and I must say, my heart prefers the burn of the prolonged struggle. I cannot tell you whether you should resist defeat, that decision lies purely within your heart. For myself, I will fight and persevere in order to rise to the top of every mountain I climb. For my loved ones, I will offer my hand to them so that they may too realise that they can rise above the agony of defeat. Nonetheless, every defeated person has willingly accepted, it is never handed to them. Be strong my friends, it's always better once you decide it will be. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dialog After Dawn

Friday Freestyle
September 16, 2016

Morning After

"Good morning Adam!" Stan blurts out to me, I stumble into the kitchen to grab the first mug in the cupboard. 

"Ease up on him, he had a rough night." The coffee glides out of the pot into the mug. Wait for it to cool a brief second, now I must blow on it to cool it faster. I wait for the push to become a shove. 

"Hey man, what he did last night... That was epic. Even I would've thought twice about doing it."

"Easy now Stan, you're not that kind of guy anymore. We need to talk about what happened."

"I'd rather not. My body hurts, my head is pounding, and my heart feels... "

"It feels like it's carrying iron weights?" Jessie interrupts. 

"Yeah. I can't really believe what happened and what I did."

Jessie comforts me, " It's going to be okay, we just need to figure out your next steps and to convince them you did the right thing."

"Did you guys stay here last night?" The coffee slowly makes its way through my body to awaken my senses. 

"We did. Well sort of, we stayed nearby. We know a place."

"Hmm alright. I'm glad you guys are here, I could use some peace of mind"

"Bro, peace was not inside of you last night"

"Stan! Goodness man, ease up on him. He lost control."

"You know, I don't really remember much of last night. It was like I was drugged, i mean yeah I had those whiskeys."

"Heh, yeah something came over you for sure."

"Listen, we need to tell you something, Adam."

"Oh, what is it now..." I kept thinking back to her and the look on her face afterward.

Stan speaks up before Jessie steps in, "Well man, we came over to help you out, but there's something else going on with us, outside of you." 

My eyes slide laterally to Jessie as he sits there across from Stan at my dining table. "It's complicated," Jessie starts explaining, "We're in town to handle a family issue, but we couldn't have left you there in that situation so we stepped in." 

Trying to recollect my memories, there are more blanks than illustrations playing in my mind. "All I remember was fighting that guy, but that's because of what he did... You know, to her."

"Ha, well now you're going to help us out," Stan smirks and looks to Jessie. "After seeing you handle that situation, Jessie and I started to talk after we put you in your room."

"What he's trying to say is, we could use your help. Your abilities peaked a lot earlier than I expected, given he helped accelerate the process."

"What?" I'm confused even more than I'm sore at this point. 

"We aren't exactly normal dudes, and you aren't either."

"What are you then?"

Stand chuckles, "Bro, you're going to want to take a seat for this."

Jessie stands up, "Are you religious? Don't answer that, I already know. Which means this will be harder to explain and difficult for you to grasp."

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Things Worth Living For, Doubt & Belief

Thursday Thought
September 15, 2016

Things Worth Living For, Part 2

Outside Doubt / Internal Belief

Things worth living for? They're not exactly physical things, they're things experienced or things that are felt. Imagine with me, the moments in your life when you initiate the inner dialogue to essentially say, "Wow, how great it is to be alive?" 

As an American, I love to be successful and to receive praise for it. It's a part of our egotistical culture, and it's alright to be proud of what we do or what we say. On the flipside of that magnificent Silver Dollar, there's the exact opposite that would be received from the external audience. Those people who don't really believe in your abilities or your powers, there's plenty of them and I guarantee there are fewer folks who believe in you than you may hope. It's okay, that's the tough part of life facing that tall wall of disbelief, which creates this feeling self-doubt and perhaps it may reduce the morale. 

Here's where the goosebumps rise in waves across your skin... when you say (usually in your head): "Screw you, I will do this. Just watch me." It carries much more weight in your journey to believe in yourself over the encouragement of another. Not to discount the applause we may give a friend or a colleague, but the belief in yourself is powerful. I love when people doubt me, or even when they have a neutral attitude towards myself and my potential. When they see me as a worker or performer with little expectation of production or potential, I relish that, I turn it into fuel for my Inspiration Furnace. 

If you boss doubts you, prove him wrong. If your friend doesn't like a trip you've planned, show them the adventure. When your parents try to steer you in another direction, stay your course. No matter what the voices around you say, you have to listen to the murmuring from your heart and whispers from your soul. Often the noise of the world around us can pollute our thoughts and the understanding of what our spirit desires to do, hence why it is important to seek out that space of isolation for Self-Talk

To believe in yourself is to invest in yourself. Saying those words of encouragement, listening to your spirit, making your own decisions, and adding common sense to the equation will enable you to do unimaginable things. Buy into your own start-up before seeking investors, because why don't but into what you do, they will buy into why you do it. Silencing the doubters and non-believers, stoking that fire within in order to fuel success, that's worth living for. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Balanced Life of a Brute

Wednesday Wander
September 14, 2016

Redefining Brutish Behavior

 a savage violent person or animal, unreasoning and animalike.

Being described as a Brute does not hold this definition to me in my mind. I don't envision a Brute as a Monster of Frankenstein or some destructive force of human flesh. It stands for more about a balance between the primal and intellectual powers of man. 

As a man, you must keep in mind that you are this animal who is gifted with intelligent thinking as well as ethos, pathos, and logos. You're more than useful for smashing in the brain of something, you could in theory use your brain to coerce that same subject to do the same objective. Using your intellect is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal while coupling it with the capability of brute force can make you unstoppable. 

Brute-manship and having intelligence should not be mutually exclusive, however, the issue lies that as a man society dictates that you must be one or the other. General public will not accept the idea that you can possess both forms of power but only one. You may see it as Steve Rogers or Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne, those heroic figures who have super powers and strong intellects. I argue, the man who has brain and muscle power should not live on fictional pages, but rather here in the real world. 

Go to the gym and out into the world, train your body in feats of strength, endurance, and aerobic capabilities. Next, move onto the library and study philosophy, history, and the writings among those delicate books in order to train your brain. If you've managed to construct a wonder out of one inside your heart, it's just that much easier to build another wonder to demonstrate your other capabilities. They feat the man with multiple wonders, he has more power over the weaker brains and the smaller brawn. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jim Wendler's Gym Advice

Tuesday Take
September 13, 2016

"Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it." 

- Jim Wendler -

Jim put it about as straight forward as anyone else could have. The man of strength put it best, just go out there and do it. Known for his strength workout 5/3/1, Jim Wendler is one of the great athletes in the fitness world. This lesson applies to more than fighting gravity with iron barbells, it's more than simply getting to a large space where you will move your body in order to make yourself sweat, or whatever vague gym reference I can make.

This applies to life as well. If you fantasize about success, you surely will not live through prosperity. What you must do is apply yourself more than the average. Just go forth and work. Hustle and spend energy for a better product of yourself. Kill everything you do without mercy. Repeat as necessary. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Allowance of Average

Monday Mountain
September 12, 2016

Allowance of Average: What's the mean?

With Big Data and standardized testing, there's almost nothing that those with the numbers can't infer about the individual or the public. Of course, an inference is just a conclusion, it's not the whole story. In other words, that conclusion made out of the information provided with a dash of reasoning will not necessarily be the best answer or the correct answer, it is just one answer. 

Now with all these numbers and observations of the public, there is a clear definition of what average means and what it takes to achieve the standard. There's a problem in that solution, what does it take to achieve above average results? What is required of you to go higher than your peers?

There is no road map. No definition. No given standards. And so on. 

In order to achieve more than what the average does, you will have to go out and find it for yourself. No one will tell you, because if they tell you then they will always be above you. Take it upon yourself to apply and multiply your own efforts in order to reach success greater than what may be given to you for basic participation. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Taking a Stand, Fifteen Years Later

September 11, 2016

Power of Patriotism & Freedoms

Today marks fifteen years after the worst tragedy known to the United States of America. When this occurred I was still in elementary school, sitting in gym class as we unknowingly listened to the events unfold over the radio. Every day since I comprehended the full weight of those events, I have become enraged with passion whenever I see those images or hear a discussion regarding that day. What is this passion? This passion is the reminder of why I made a set of decisions through my life and also stands a huge landmark for where my beliefs are based.

Over the past month, there's been a debate about whether a man who is paid to play a sport can take a knee during the National Anthem. He has his reasons to do so, although I may not agree with them, he does have a right to protest and to free speech. Thank goodness for fundamental rights. As an adult, I was told that all Americans - citizens, immigrants, and all those alike - are to stand at attention when the National Anthem is played, out of respect for our flag and the values this nation is built upon and what it continues to stand for. 

If Colin Kaepernick does not want to stand up during the National Anthem, I say we should let him, his protest over the political troubles that this country is currently facing are his own issues to state. I, however, will continue to stand. Not only while the National Anthem is being played, but also as an American Soldier who has taken an oath of service to this great country. I will proudly stand with my brothers and sisters in arms, with those who protect and serve, and all those who put their lives on the line for the innocent. 

Looking back on 9/11, there's a reason we all came together as Americans following those events, there is no respectable reason why we should not be able to stand together every single day. We all live in the United States. We should be united as one, while also separate with our own beliefs and interpretations on life and citizenship, that's how politics works. We can always work together as long as we can respect each other's differences and similarities from our own. It takes patience, honor, humility, and courage, combined with numerous other elements of true patriotism to be an American and stand for what you believe in, but all of those things are most powerful when we can learn to stand together. 

As we proceed into another work week, please look into ways of helping your fellow American, citizen or immigrant, man or woman or child, black or white or yellow or brown. Who you are versus who they are should not matter, because we all stand under one that Star Spangled Banner and aspire for a better, brighter future every single day. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Another Letter to CU Football

Dear Buffaloes,

You laid a bloody massacre in Denver on your in-state rival last week. After the game, all reporters and spectators left there without a doubt in their mind who was the better team. Hats off to you to a hell of a start, let's keep it in mind... That's exactly what it was the start.

This weekend, you prepare for this team from Idaho State to come into your home and play you at a game you've already played with great heart. On September 10th, the defense of your homeland begins. Do not doubt your enemy, for they have nothing to lose.

You have spent countless hours practicing, planning, and training in the shadows of the Flatirons, a natural beauty of Boulder. In all honesty, those are your mountains. Those mountains stand high into the sky, while also beneath your feet. You have conquered this land in Colorado. In your heart, they may be a swelling of pride and anger as the game approaches. Good, that's how it should be.

Be proud of what you've done. Keep in mind that the laurels of yesterday will not allow you a place to rest your head tonight. Be protective of what you have earned. Be offended that this team can come into your house and have any belief they can hang with you and your team.

For us Buffs, those who have attended and graduated, those currently attending, and those who will, you are one of the brightest jewels in this coronated college. Be proud of where you are and who surrounds you.
When you storm out of that tunnel with fury and heart, the opponent stands no chance in stopping such a force of football. We stand with you, as the herd, shoulder to shoulder. We will run with you, in spirit and through thundering cheers, as the stampede. Roll up that mighty score!

Go Buffs,


First letter to CU Football

Another Letter to CU Football

Dear Buffaloes,

You laid a bloody massacre in Denver on your in-state rival last week. After the game, all reporters and spectators left there without a doubt in their mind who was the better team. Hats off to you to a hell of a start, let's keep it in mind... That's exactly what it was the start.

This weekend, you prepare for this team from Idaho State to come into your home and play you at a game you've already played with great heart. On September 10th, the defense of your homeland begins. Do not doubt your enemy, for they have nothing to lose.

You have spent countless hours practicing, planning, and training in the shadows of the Flatirons, a natural beauty of Boulder. In all honesty, those are your mountains. Those mountains stand high into the sky, while also beneath your feet. You have conquered this land in Colorado. In your heart, they may be a swelling of pride and anger as the game approaches. Good, that's how it should be.

Be proud of what you've done. Keep in mind that the laurels of yesterday will not allow you a place to rest your head tonight. Be protective of what you have earned. Be offended that this team can come into your house and have any belief they can hang with you and your team.

For us Buffs, those who have attended and graduated, those currently attending, and those who will, you are one of the brightest jewels in this coronated college. Be proud of where you are and who surrounds you.
When you storm out of that tunnel with fury and heart, the opponent stands no chance in stopping such a force of football. We stand with you, as the herd, shoulder to shoulder. We will run with you, in spirit and through thundering cheers, as the stampede. Roll up that mighty score!

Go Buffs,


First letter to CU Football

Thursday, September 8, 2016

When You Stop Looking Up to Your Father

Thursday Thought
September 8, 2016

How the relationship between my Dad & I changed, without either of us knowing.

Sounds like something shouldn't have surprised you, right? It did when I realized the course we had took and where we were going. If you may remember, I recently wrote about how my Dad is my best friend. That hasn't changed, and I believe this shift into friendship between us was a key factor in the development of our new relationship.

I'll tell you what happened. I stopped looking up to my Dad. I don't admire him any less, or love him any less. I simply stopped looking up to him as a role model. This shift was gradual and probably took about four or five years to complete its transition. We are two very different men. That's what strengthens our friendships, but we are both similar and different in personality traits. 

When I was about 21, when I was in the mountains of Colorado hiking alone where I would occasionally pause to enjoy a nice view, I had an epiphany. I decided I wanted to become my own man, not a product that continually reproduces itself with each generation. We are different in that I'm outgoing, he's not so much, and that's just one of many off the list. Him and I do share a number of great qualities, but not all of them are the same. 

It took some time before my epiphany really took hold and made itself present in my conscious thoughts. He is a great friend and a wonderful mentor, but I have decided to become my own man. I want to have a different career, live out a different social life, and make decisions based on my own opinions and facts. At this point, I no longer look up to him, but rather I would say we sit eye-to-eye and share in each other's own unique opinions and views. This is where our friendship has its roots based, in our ability to revel in each man's abilities and traits and we appreciate how similar we are while also celebrating our differences. Here's to being a proud son of his, and a my own self. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Investing Advice for a Lifetime

Wednesday Wander
September 7, 2016

Where should you invest?

Here I will tell you about a bit of investment advice that I learned after 20 years of observation and living. It may or may not surprise you if so, it may be so easily realized but poorly executed.

Invest in yourself first before anyone else. 

"What about my friend? My subordinates? My lover? My dog?" 
None of it deserves any time or energy from you before you invest those in yourself. It's all about giving yourself the best chance to succeed before anyone else. You can call it selfishness, but I call it personal heroism. Well... That may be a stretch. Perhaps you'll understand it like it's a rule of evolution, helping someone else get necessities only leaves less for you to succeed at keeping your lineage strong. 

Once you have given yourself ample time, energy, love, and dedication (here is where I recommend the cherry of honesty on top), then you are welcome to take those resources and allocate them to build up another person. In fact, it should a rule of investment that you apply time and energy and love to at least one person in your life. This is a great way to receive dividends and returns on your investments, second only to one in yourself. 

Why do I keep using the word investment? I believe investing in people is a lot like stocks, it bobs and weaves, climbs and dives, zigs and zags. Some days it will end on a record-high and others it may plummet. Even if you take a loss on any given day, it's okay. Selling out at that point will surely result in a major loss for yourself and for others. Just know that when you rise in the morning, you can begin the process again from a new baseline. 

Applying the resources you have, such as love, time, energy, and focus, you can build a wonder this world has never seen. What's the downside? It takes continuous application and spending of these resources to achieve such a status, and there is no "end goal", it may cost more to just maintain than to continually gain. Chase after your dreams, soar into the skies, and become what you want to be most. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Old Man, New Goals

Tuesday Take
September 6, 2016

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
- C.S. Lewis -

What's that old phrase?

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. 

That may be correct if only applied to dogs and not to the spirit of the working man. As a working professional, as an ambitious citizen, or as a human with hobbies, you may or may not be striving to achieve new goals or visions. Just as the quote bluntly says, you're never too old. 

Some people cease to study after they each a Bachelor's Degree from college. Some people stop to apply themselves once they get that dream job. Some people settle for the white picket fence.

Here's the recommendation from a professional, go forth and refresh your goals periodically. Continuously challenge yourself and adjust your vision into the future. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Biggest Lie Told to Millennials

Monday Mountain

The biggest lie told to millennials?

After some thinking it occurred to me, the young adults in America are lied to throughout their lives. It's something that we are made to believe but very few actually see it come to fruition. What is this lie?

The lie in its basic state: You are special.

You're just like everyone else. Pause for the angry grumbling to quiet down. Okay, I'll admit it you can be special. Simply existing in this society does not grant you a trophy, a paycheck, or any form of pats on the back. It's an atrocity to the world to instill this idea that you deserve anything without having earned it.

Fucking earn it. If you truly believe you're special, then invest in your uniqueness and earn what you believe you deserve. One person may be able to hold you back, but the whole world can't stop you.

Your childhood, my childhood, the American childhood... It's polluted with the ideas we are all special and unique and that we all should receive the ribbon for merely taking part. The process continues with standardized tests, parent-teacher conferences, so on and so-forth. This corruption of you social expectation is like an infection, you can fight it off if you so wish. Once you go off to college, your grades become your own, your actions become your own, and your future truly becomes your own. Own it.

That's how you can combat this lie, by believing in it and making it evolve into a true statement about yourself. By expecting more out of yourself than anyone else, you can then become that something special. The highest of standards should be the ones that you hold yourself to, not the ones the world places on you. Don't accept being told you're special, prove to the world that you're a marvel.