Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jim Wendler's Gym Advice

Tuesday Take
September 13, 2016

"Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it." 

- Jim Wendler -

Jim put it about as straight forward as anyone else could have. The man of strength put it best, just go out there and do it. Known for his strength workout 5/3/1, Jim Wendler is one of the great athletes in the fitness world. This lesson applies to more than fighting gravity with iron barbells, it's more than simply getting to a large space where you will move your body in order to make yourself sweat, or whatever vague gym reference I can make.

This applies to life as well. If you fantasize about success, you surely will not live through prosperity. What you must do is apply yourself more than the average. Just go forth and work. Hustle and spend energy for a better product of yourself. Kill everything you do without mercy. Repeat as necessary. 

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