Thursday, July 21, 2016

Things Worth Living For: Applause

Thursday Thought

Things Worth Living For, Part 1


Thing worth living for? They're not exactly physical things, they're things experienced or things that are felt. Imagine with me, the moments in your life when you initiate the inner dialogue to essentially say, "Wow, how great it is to be alive?" 

Today, it's about the applause. This is not about the sound of the audience clapping for your success or their enjoyment of a show you just put on. It's about the acknowledgement from select individuals. Those who are lucky enough to receive support or encouragement from their parents, the statement "I'm proud of you" is a strong round of applause from one person.

The applause that some people may not give or receive quite enough is when the performer is a friend or the audience is a friend of yours. Not just any friend, but a true beloved, dear friend. If they're on the stage and perform a magnificent feat, like landing a great new job, finding the love of their life, or accomplishing something at all, you should applaud them. In these instances, my favorite alternative to an exciting clapping of my pair of hands is to say "Hell yeah man!" or something like "Dude, that's awesome!" Small statements like that carry much more meaning on channels between friends than when it comes from lesser valued acquaintance.

Most importantly, there's an applause from one person that means the absolute most and it often goes unheard or fails to be initiated. It's the applause you give yourself. Self-Talk is an important part of keeping things in perspective. I understand you won't necessarily be proud of what you've accomplished, but you should do it anyways. Whenever something is achieved or done well, take a minute when you're by yourself and have a quick internal dialogue "Hey, that's really cool that I did that." Whether or not you impressed yourself, you should understand the importance of acknowledging yourself for a job well done.

Since you're not Urkel, the words "Did I do that" should not come out of your mouth in a tone of astonishment. Clap with your words, pass along the encouragement to your friends, loved ones, colleagues, and yourself. The applause is not always desired, but it's always appreciated. Hell, that feel-good feeling... It's worth living for!

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