Monday, June 13, 2016

Rage Against Yourself

Monday Mountain

You might have seen it floating around the internet, it's a picture quote. In this picture it reads something along the lines of, "If you don't let someone else talk to you like that, why would you do it to yourself?" This is obviously pertaining to the self-talk we have constantly in our lives, during these internal dialogues we critique, evaluate, and judge ourselves, often it is too harsh on ourselves.

There's nothing against self-talk. It's the ideal dialogue between you and yourself. A growing voice in society is encouraging self-talk to be positive, because it can have adverse effects on your self-esteem and confidence. As human beings with egos, they're sensitive and I would not advocate damaging yours in any way, however, I do believe you should have some sort of qualm with yourself. What some may call a chip on your shoulder, you need to have it with yourself.

This chip represents all of your ambitions and expectations of yourself. This is the vision of your future you believe in. It is the dreams and fantasies of who and where you want to be down the road. With this chip you have to keep yourself in check in order to achieve it. These checks come in the form of real selftalk... You have to keep it real with yourself.

What does one say to one's self during self-talk while keeping it real? For me it includes the following phrases:

  • Are you kidding me about this? 
  • Will this really accomplish your goals?
  • Why don't you just finish it? Why don't you start it?
  • Fuck you. You're slacking off. You're better than this.
And the list goes on. 

You should always be hard on yourself and reward yourself. Never settle for complacency. Expect more out of you than anyone else expects out of you. Call yourself out. It's amazing what you can do once you start looking at yourself without personal bias. Keep it real. Call it how you do it. 

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