Friday, September 16, 2016

Dialog After Dawn

Friday Freestyle
September 16, 2016

Morning After

"Good morning Adam!" Stan blurts out to me, I stumble into the kitchen to grab the first mug in the cupboard. 

"Ease up on him, he had a rough night." The coffee glides out of the pot into the mug. Wait for it to cool a brief second, now I must blow on it to cool it faster. I wait for the push to become a shove. 

"Hey man, what he did last night... That was epic. Even I would've thought twice about doing it."

"Easy now Stan, you're not that kind of guy anymore. We need to talk about what happened."

"I'd rather not. My body hurts, my head is pounding, and my heart feels... "

"It feels like it's carrying iron weights?" Jessie interrupts. 

"Yeah. I can't really believe what happened and what I did."

Jessie comforts me, " It's going to be okay, we just need to figure out your next steps and to convince them you did the right thing."

"Did you guys stay here last night?" The coffee slowly makes its way through my body to awaken my senses. 

"We did. Well sort of, we stayed nearby. We know a place."

"Hmm alright. I'm glad you guys are here, I could use some peace of mind"

"Bro, peace was not inside of you last night"

"Stan! Goodness man, ease up on him. He lost control."

"You know, I don't really remember much of last night. It was like I was drugged, i mean yeah I had those whiskeys."

"Heh, yeah something came over you for sure."

"Listen, we need to tell you something, Adam."

"Oh, what is it now..." I kept thinking back to her and the look on her face afterward.

Stan speaks up before Jessie steps in, "Well man, we came over to help you out, but there's something else going on with us, outside of you." 

My eyes slide laterally to Jessie as he sits there across from Stan at my dining table. "It's complicated," Jessie starts explaining, "We're in town to handle a family issue, but we couldn't have left you there in that situation so we stepped in." 

Trying to recollect my memories, there are more blanks than illustrations playing in my mind. "All I remember was fighting that guy, but that's because of what he did... You know, to her."

"Ha, well now you're going to help us out," Stan smirks and looks to Jessie. "After seeing you handle that situation, Jessie and I started to talk after we put you in your room."

"What he's trying to say is, we could use your help. Your abilities peaked a lot earlier than I expected, given he helped accelerate the process."

"What?" I'm confused even more than I'm sore at this point. 

"We aren't exactly normal dudes, and you aren't either."

"What are you then?"

Stand chuckles, "Bro, you're going to want to take a seat for this."

Jessie stands up, "Are you religious? Don't answer that, I already know. Which means this will be harder to explain and difficult for you to grasp."

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