Monday, September 5, 2016

Biggest Lie Told to Millennials

Monday Mountain

The biggest lie told to millennials?

After some thinking it occurred to me, the young adults in America are lied to throughout their lives. It's something that we are made to believe but very few actually see it come to fruition. What is this lie?

The lie in its basic state: You are special.

You're just like everyone else. Pause for the angry grumbling to quiet down. Okay, I'll admit it you can be special. Simply existing in this society does not grant you a trophy, a paycheck, or any form of pats on the back. It's an atrocity to the world to instill this idea that you deserve anything without having earned it.

Fucking earn it. If you truly believe you're special, then invest in your uniqueness and earn what you believe you deserve. One person may be able to hold you back, but the whole world can't stop you.

Your childhood, my childhood, the American childhood... It's polluted with the ideas we are all special and unique and that we all should receive the ribbon for merely taking part. The process continues with standardized tests, parent-teacher conferences, so on and so-forth. This corruption of you social expectation is like an infection, you can fight it off if you so wish. Once you go off to college, your grades become your own, your actions become your own, and your future truly becomes your own. Own it.

That's how you can combat this lie, by believing in it and making it evolve into a true statement about yourself. By expecting more out of yourself than anyone else, you can then become that something special. The highest of standards should be the ones that you hold yourself to, not the ones the world places on you. Don't accept being told you're special, prove to the world that you're a marvel.

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