Thursday, September 15, 2016

Things Worth Living For, Doubt & Belief

Thursday Thought
September 15, 2016

Things Worth Living For, Part 2

Outside Doubt / Internal Belief

Things worth living for? They're not exactly physical things, they're things experienced or things that are felt. Imagine with me, the moments in your life when you initiate the inner dialogue to essentially say, "Wow, how great it is to be alive?" 

As an American, I love to be successful and to receive praise for it. It's a part of our egotistical culture, and it's alright to be proud of what we do or what we say. On the flipside of that magnificent Silver Dollar, there's the exact opposite that would be received from the external audience. Those people who don't really believe in your abilities or your powers, there's plenty of them and I guarantee there are fewer folks who believe in you than you may hope. It's okay, that's the tough part of life facing that tall wall of disbelief, which creates this feeling self-doubt and perhaps it may reduce the morale. 

Here's where the goosebumps rise in waves across your skin... when you say (usually in your head): "Screw you, I will do this. Just watch me." It carries much more weight in your journey to believe in yourself over the encouragement of another. Not to discount the applause we may give a friend or a colleague, but the belief in yourself is powerful. I love when people doubt me, or even when they have a neutral attitude towards myself and my potential. When they see me as a worker or performer with little expectation of production or potential, I relish that, I turn it into fuel for my Inspiration Furnace. 

If you boss doubts you, prove him wrong. If your friend doesn't like a trip you've planned, show them the adventure. When your parents try to steer you in another direction, stay your course. No matter what the voices around you say, you have to listen to the murmuring from your heart and whispers from your soul. Often the noise of the world around us can pollute our thoughts and the understanding of what our spirit desires to do, hence why it is important to seek out that space of isolation for Self-Talk

To believe in yourself is to invest in yourself. Saying those words of encouragement, listening to your spirit, making your own decisions, and adding common sense to the equation will enable you to do unimaginable things. Buy into your own start-up before seeking investors, because why don't but into what you do, they will buy into why you do it. Silencing the doubters and non-believers, stoking that fire within in order to fuel success, that's worth living for. 

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