Thursday, July 28, 2016

From Father to Friend

Thursday Thought
Post #200

Dads are great. Anyone can be a Father they say, but not anyone can be a Dad. This is true. In my life, I have been blessed to have my dad involved throughout it all. Recently, I would say in the past half-decade, there has definitely been a shift in our relationship. He's become more than my Dad to me, it's something you see in movies and is idolized in narratives but I never thought it would happen to me.

He's been around my whole life, meaning he has had an influence on my hobbies and interests to an extent, that's probably helped shape him into someone I enjoy spending time with. We both enjoy fishing, weight lifting, building things, and a good beer (although our taste preferences on beer differ). It's been a pleasure seeing him in the mornings at the gym where we are able to talk briefly about what's going on in our lives, it's usually a brief conversation.

As my career progresses and I continue to navigate through the world of business as a marketer, my father's career as an engineer and a consultant for over thirty years allows him to provide me with insight and advice on how to handle business relationships and situations where I may not know how to resolve just yet. It's about having someone I can talk about business with, while also being able to talk about other issues or daily items without worry.

At this point in my life, he's no longer just my dad but also my friend. One of my closest friends. The value I hold in our friendship is tremendous. It's about having a connection beyond blood relation and the mentorship through father-son dynamics, it's about being best friends and enjoying each others company. Truly, I enjoy when I hang out with Dad. I only hope that my children will be able to say the same thing about me when they reach adulthood.

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