Friday, May 27, 2016


Friday Freestyle

It's the opening of something sweet,
Each word escaping your mind leaves with a flutter,
Excitingly sharing facts and anecdotes to a new unfamiliar person,
Eagerly listening to their statements of experiences,
Each pause allows coursing electricity between two bodies,
Cravings linger on the tip of your tongue in that silence,
Engaging conversation with someone very fresh but oddly familiar.

Dialogue takes leaps of faith onto a new topic,
Sharply turning down a side road from the highway,
The high speed of lighthearted stories shifts,
New trajectory to something very personal,
A dark unpaved road proves eerily calming,
Revisiting each childhood and those dreams imagined in such a time,
Youth inspired such hope and poisoned with honesty through experience.

As the story is told the puzzle pieces are placed,
An image of who this stranger is develops before you,
Road map of their life becomes published,
Take it one step, one mile at a time,
Hold back from guessing where they've been,
Hesitate before you envision all of who they are,
No person can be measured in weight, distance, or mass.

Envision who they are as they allow you to,
Lead each other on your blind journey,
Should they are a good companion for you and vice versa,
Predictions remain untold, each day unfolds differently,
Embrace these new feelings of attraction,
Rejoice that they reside somewhere deeper than animal desires,
Celebrate the wounds and wins that brought them to you as they are.

You too have bumps and bruises and brilliance from life,
Allow them to take a glimpse inside of you,
At the world that is tremendous and immense,
There exists first in your heart that waits for release,
Beware that sharing this flame can be disastrous,
Prepare the kindling and the fuel precisely,
Once ready, carefully ignite that bonfire of love.

Hold back from sharing that burning signal through speech,
Its flickering light will travel far beyond you believe it will,
Stand in patience and watch the far horizon,
Flames from ignition will travel unbelievable distances,
Tremendous heat and light seems so close and comforting,
Although separately held flames the celebrations burn as one,
Within those two beings there is such catastrophe that the world rejoices in its chaos.

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