Monday, May 9, 2016

Loving, Living.

Monday Mountain

Some people who know me may think I'm cold or unemotional, truth is I'm the exact opposite. I'm open with my emotions, it's just for a very particular audience. Showing strong emotions to your rivals is a sign of weakness while also a sign of strength. The interpretation of your emotions depends on your presentation with the setting around you. 

I love a handful, maybe two handfuls of people in the world. Okay, one dozen max. As a man, I have no fear of expressing my affection and appreciation towards someone. Other heterosexual men may cringe at the thought of expressing love for a fellow man in the state of their friendship and caring. Nothing wrong with love and believing in it.

I acknowledge this is different from the usual message for a Monday, however, it must be said by someone.

Never be afraid to love someone. Your friends, your family, your lover, your partner, your confidant, or whoever, don't be afraid to open your heart to let them in and spread your arms to embrace them. A tremendous thing happens when you a silent nod, a figurative fist-bump to those you share a mutual love with. You can watch them blossom with each passing day. The world could use more blooming people.

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