Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Wednesday Word

  • Merriam-Webster:
    • a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority; especially :  one having an emperor as chief of state
  • Quintessential Voyage: 
    • a wealth of acquisitions from hard work and personal sacrifice, usually composed of secular riches, beneficial friendships, immense love, admiration between the world and the acquirer of such treasures, and more. 
To have an empire is not to be a ruler with a heavy crown and a bloody hand. In the QV (Quintessential Voyage) point-of-view, the empire is what you acquire through hard work, self-sacrifice, diplomacy, determination, and good intentions. 

Providing yourself to the world, working your own ass off, and being a benevolent individual who is out for personal success while also building around you... that's an empire mindset.

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