Monday, May 23, 2016

Accepting Me & Not Making Exceptions for Me

Monday Mountain

Participation Trophies are something of commonplace in youth sports these days, there is still a difference between the winners and those who simply participated. This is alright with me. There is a problem with making exceptions for people. Finding reasons to give people awards, promotions, or any sort of recognition even though they didn't meet the requirements.

The title of this post is fairly simple. Accept people for who they are, and don't make any exceptions for them. I was thinking the other day how people tolerate and allow others, but this tolerance is reactive to them not meeting the standard. Through not meeting the standard, these sub-par performers get away with not doing the work, keeping their word, and contributing.

Accept and love everyone for their beautiful and less than perfect selves. Do not make exceptions for them, hold them accountable for what they are supposed to do and contribute. This goes into their job and their life and their relationships. As soon as you hold everyone to their responsibilities, commitments, and promises, the world becomes a society of equally contributing people working together in harmony.

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