Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Word - Influence - 1/27/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Quintessential Voyage: The ability to make waves beyond yourself, to initiate a chain reaction of change. The possibility to inspire others to either build themselves into wonders or destroy themselves into oblivion. 

To look at how you effect others, you must first look at how you are effected by them. 

Once you make the determination on you're influenced, weigh the positive and the negative, locate the sources, and figure out the results that are created. 

I've been influenced for good and for bad. It's an evolutionary process to find the source and decide if you want to allow that influential process to continue. I've decided to allow in what I have deemed positive. I pose a challenge to you, find your influences.

They say the five people you spend the most time with on a regular basis create a continual tide of influence in your life. There are also the literary, musical, natural, and environmental influences. 
Which of those create your perspective? Can you find the ones that shape your daily mood?What things in your life change your productivity? How much of those things are good and how much are bad?

My final question for you is: How influential are you to yourself? If your influence on yourself was the wind, would it be behind your sails or would it be against your course?

Be the best source of energy for yourself and others will feed off of it and grow.

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