Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday Take - 1/12/2016

Tuesday Take

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9 NLV

This may turn some of my regular readers off but it may also spark some thought for others. A first time that I have written about Christian scripture on here,  this is not the first time I've used it for personal inspiration. 

This verse may be taken quite literally. God has commanded you to be strong and steadfast on your feet. You should not be afraid of what's next or of what will come. You should never become discouraged from your dreams or goals. There is a force backing you, whether it be the wind your sails, the voice in your mind and your gut, or even the sunshine peeking through a bedroom window. There are forces at work beyond our comprehension, I believe they are there to help you if you're willing to believe and enable in these forces. 

For you it may be Buddha or Jesus or Shiva or whoever, for me it's God (Protestant Christian) that I believe in. In addition to something greater, you should believe in yourself and your capabilities because i guarantee that you are greater than you give yourself credit for.

Go forth, be courageous, achieve greatly.

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