Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Fiction - 1/8/2016

Friday Fiction

Freestyle Prose

Sometimes life puts you in a predicament,
You feel like you're not where you're meant,
The things you've received so far 
Are not really meant to keep you where you are.

Sustaining your hunger is a continual chore,
Where this will take you, you're not so sure,
Your vision fades with the passing of days,
The direction is shifting and moving like ocean waves.

Cross your heart, hope to die,
You promised to never tell yourself a lie,
Increase your courage within your heart,
You're not so weak as you were at the start.

In your heart, reserve some compassion,
Your companions, their hope for you is not lackin',
Love yourself and who you've become,
The journey of your success, just begun.

Patience continues and may wear thin,
It's about the daily work you put in,
Continue on your odyssey,
Your victory is guaranteed,
That is if you tell yourself it will be. 

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