Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday Thought - 1/28/2016

Thursday Thought

What exactly is Quintessential Voyage?

For some of you the title may be easily understood and for others it could just be a title. First, let me break it down word by word.

Quintessential: Defined as representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. Synonym: ultimate

Voyage: Defined as a long journey to a distant or unknown place, typically involving by sea or in space. A journey by sea is often a comparative to life. Synonym: passage or sail

So if you put them together, with some of our extracted meanings and implications...

The most perfect, long journey to an unknown place.

This blog is about getting the most out of life. Forging your own path, fueling your own fires, creating your own stories, becoming your own person, and building a wonder for generations to admire. Go forth and grow my friends. 

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