Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Freestyle - 1/30/2016

Friday Freestyle

Who am I to write inspirational writings for others?
Who am I to try and tell people how to perceive the world?
Who am I to say I will be a king?
Who am I to look to heaven and desire a seat among the stars?
Who am I to pursue daily growth?
Who am I to concoct a formula that produces a positive outlook on life?
Who am I to enable and motivate others who refuse to do it for myself?

I'll tell you who I am.

I am a man, like many others in this world.
I am firm in my beliefs that I'm different. 
I am hungry for success.
I am willing to put in the work.
I am working on myself, internally, physically, and professionally.
I am determined to change your life once we meet.
I am going to make my mark. 
I am better than you may believe.
I am greater than mortal.

Call me cocky if you'd like. It's my outlook and personality. I believe I am great, I know I will get better, and I know there is greatness in store if I put in the work.

What do you believe about yourself?
Who do you think you are?
Who do they think you are?
What are you going to be?

Morning Motivation - 1/29/2016

Morning Motivation

January 29, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday Thought - 1/28/2016

Thursday Thought

What exactly is Quintessential Voyage?

For some of you the title may be easily understood and for others it could just be a title. First, let me break it down word by word.

Quintessential: Defined as representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. Synonym: ultimate

Voyage: Defined as a long journey to a distant or unknown place, typically involving by sea or in space. A journey by sea is often a comparative to life. Synonym: passage or sail

So if you put them together, with some of our extracted meanings and implications...

The most perfect, long journey to an unknown place.

This blog is about getting the most out of life. Forging your own path, fueling your own fires, creating your own stories, becoming your own person, and building a wonder for generations to admire. Go forth and grow my friends. 

Morning Motivation - 1/28/2016

Morning Motivation

January 28, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Word - Influence - 1/27/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Quintessential Voyage: The ability to make waves beyond yourself, to initiate a chain reaction of change. The possibility to inspire others to either build themselves into wonders or destroy themselves into oblivion. 

To look at how you effect others, you must first look at how you are effected by them. 

Once you make the determination on you're influenced, weigh the positive and the negative, locate the sources, and figure out the results that are created. 

I've been influenced for good and for bad. It's an evolutionary process to find the source and decide if you want to allow that influential process to continue. I've decided to allow in what I have deemed positive. I pose a challenge to you, find your influences.

They say the five people you spend the most time with on a regular basis create a continual tide of influence in your life. There are also the literary, musical, natural, and environmental influences. 
Which of those create your perspective? Can you find the ones that shape your daily mood?What things in your life change your productivity? How much of those things are good and how much are bad?

My final question for you is: How influential are you to yourself? If your influence on yourself was the wind, would it be behind your sails or would it be against your course?

Be the best source of energy for yourself and others will feed off of it and grow.

Morning Motivation - 1/27/2016

Morning Motivation

January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday Take - 1/26/2016

Tuesday Take

"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do."

- Henry Ford

Talk is cheap. Work is hard. Respect is earned. Reputation is built. 

You know the phrase, "easier said than done"? That's what his elaborates on in a much more poetic way. It was said by a guy who built the legacy of the automobile, changed manufacturing, and had a reputation for his achievements. 

What are you doing to build a reputation? What reputation is it?
How do you want to be remembered?
What will you build through your efforts?

Morning Motivation - 1/26/2016

Morning Motivation

January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Mountain - 1/25/2016

Monday Mountain

Design Your Goal and Build

Someone this past weekend asked me about how to design and achieve their grand goals. First, what are grand goals? Grand Goals are those objectives that are ultimate destinations. This may be your goal to become a CEO, to write a best selling novel, or even to travel around the world. A Grand Goal requires plans, coordination, effort, and commitment, they are not easily or quickly achieved.

How do you achieve it? You have to establish a foundation on which to build this wondrous achievement. This will be small commitments or choices that become habits. You have to build your blueprint to complete that goal. It's something like having to build something that no one has ever built before, your supplies are different than anyone else, your background and history is definitely unique, and the process will become its own journey.

Create goals that will feed into your Grand Goal. Determine the steps that are required and what would make it easier to achieve upon completion, make those steps your immediate goals, and then you will achieve your grand goal in time. 

Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not built from one quarry. Rome was not built by one worker. Rome was built through a culmination.

How will you build your Rome? What is your grand goal?

Morning Motivation - 1/25/2016

Morning Motivation

January 25, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Freestyle - 1/22/2016

Friday Freestyle

The Customer

A Fictional Short Story

There was this gentleman who came into the coffee shop every morning. I call him a gentleman because he was as much the iconic definition of the modern gentleman as one could imagine. As he would walk in through the glass doors and to the counter, he would greet everyone who met him with eye contact and gift them a smile paired with a pleasant greeting of the day. This was pure sunshine, no matter what the weather. 

He placed a routine order every time, it was the exact opposite of his spirits embodied in a beverage. Black Coffee. Dark, bitter, and scalding. 

Him and I had begun to spark up a daily conversation after he established himself as a regular. He would joking point out his age by noting that he was past his mid-life crisis, and that he had no real rush to be anywhere on any given day. As I got to know him, he would always want to know more about me. He would often offer words of encouragement or clever little quips to make your mouth and your heart smile. 

This relationship of barista and customer continued for several years, every time I worked he would come in, we would delightfully chat, and then he would wish me a pleasant day in some peculiar way. It was so simple, so enriching. It became the highlight of my day, and would always steer my course towards that silver lining in the clouds.

Until one day. He stopped coming in. I had felt he was on a vacation, or perhaps welcomed a new grandchild into the world. I had no idea, he was often asking me about my life and myself and seldom talked about himself, even if I poked and prodded. 

Then one very busy Thursday morning, a lady who had quietly been waiting in line finally got her chance to speak with me. She gently spoke to me, "Tom always loved coming here. He talked about you each day when he came back to the house. He wanted me to let you know that you are someone he truly cherished in his life. From both of us, thank you for being so wonderful to him over the years."

Bewildered with my mind racing like a rush of blood to the head... I simply asked, "Where is Tom?"

"Tom had cancer. He passed away a few days ago. We would like you to come to his service."

"I will be there."

"Would you like to speak at his wake?" she asked as she was writing down the information.


This church was cold, like a dead body. I was shaking, sweating. I was going to speak about Tom before his son. The pressure was immense. As I walked up to the podium, I looked at my note cards. Carefully written and planned, it seemed inadequate to describe this gentleman. Looking over the crowded cathedral, I inhaled deeply. Paused.

"Tom was a highlight of my day. A true ray of sunshine. Polite, positive, sweet, and always cared about others. The only thing I had to offer in return to him was coffee, which was never free, and a smile I could pair with a brief and pleasant chat before I had to move on to the customer behind him. To him that was plenty, and he graciously accepted it. I have begun to try and be more like him. Consistently upbeat and shedding my positive energy like sunlight around me. It's not quite as radiant as he managed to be. Tom was a gentleman in the truest form. God is enjoying his light now."

I bowed my head briefly. The audience sat in deafening silence. I walked off the stage and sat down. The service continued with a similar tone and message throughout. It was a glorious tribute to the man he was. I did not want to be him, that was impossible, I wanted to simply be more like him.

Morning Motivation - 1/22/2016

Morning Motivation

January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday Thought - 1/21/2016

Thursday Thought

What are you entitled to?

Here is a quick note on the entitlement that some people believe that they deserve:

You are not entitled to anything from anyone but yourself. How does that work? You owe yourself whatever you are willing to go out and achieve. Nobody else ever owes anything to you. Like I said yesterday, it's nothing personal. It's purely a matter of survival and business. 

What are you entitled to? Your own work. Your own craft. Your own thoughts. Your own ideas. Your dreams. Your goals. All those things and whatever you happen to manufacture with your hands or with your mental ability, those are the things you are entitled to. If you fail to go out and hunt and gather, you will fail to nourish yourself. Only you are accountable if you fail to enable yourself to succeed. 

You are entitled to you and yourself alone. Make the most with what you are and what you have. You know if you can make something wondrous or not. 

Morning Motivation - 1/21/2016

Morning Motivation

January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday Word - Personal - 1/20/2016

Wednesday Word:


Merriam-Webster Definition:

  • Of, relating to, or affecting a particular person. 
  • Sometimes relating to an individual or an individual's character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, often in an offensive manner. 

Quintessential Voyage Definition:

  • Holding yourself accountable for the achievement your own goals, dream, or vision.
  • Working on something based on your particular self, acknowledging everyone is doing the same.

Our definition was a bit harder to put down as an actual definition than I had originally thought. The point of this word is to not take things from others, especially in business, as personal attacks or decisions based upon who you are as a person. In all reality, we don't always care about other people, we tend to think about the personal good before the common good. 

Take your own decisions personally. Put work in for your career goals, your dream physique, etc. Put yourself in your own spotlight and exhibit what you can really do. If someone at work chooses not to give you that promotion, don't take it personal, because it probably wasn't based on anything personally against you, but rather take it as an opportunity to learn and grow and reshape your vision of where you want to be. I challenge to make to take yourself serious.

Take your decisions personally. See what happens once you begin to hold yourself accountable for you and your well being. Cease to believe that you need others to help you along the way. Believe in yourself and what you can and will do, you will be in disbelief at who will invest in you once you do so. If you don't fully commit yourself and what you desire to be, you won't achieve it.
I can vouch for this and the process included, personally. 

Morning Motivation - 1/20/2016

Morning Motivation 

January 20, 2016