Friday, June 10, 2016

Venturous Voyage

Friday Freestyle

Slowly, anti-climactically,
I drifted from where my rope was tied,
Away from that bountiful land,
That place I lived for so long.

The time had arrived,
A point in my life to sail on,
Sail away from these known shores,
Growth from those crops were stunted,
New sources of nutrition were required.

As I waved to the loving farmer and his wife,
They each wept in my absence,
They quietly rejoiced for my voyage,
It was required for my destiny,
Required for me.

I sailed on beyond the observable horizon,
A calling cried out from there,
As well as from within my bones,
My heart beat like the waves against the boat.

Many lessons were learned,
Heartaches burned,
Maturity was earned,
And rhyming deemed unnecessary.

The Course continued un-plotted,
Voyaging onward and over the ever-far horizon,
Nourishment found upon each new found land,
Growth came with the completion of every feast,
Taller grown, bigger hearted, and holding a desire to be wiser.

On this journey across my oceans,
I began to see, what I should be,
Learned what I wanted to become,
Every day sailing, my own progress,
The steps and course become better known,
Finding where my current self and my desired self meet,
At that location, I will call home.

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