Monday, June 6, 2016

Medication of Dedicaiton

Monday Mountain

I'm fed up with adequacy.  That sense of coasting is awfully comfortable, which feeds into either feelings of self-loathing or a feeling of decency. For me, I've fallen into a world of skating by and doing okay. It all started going downhill with a shoulder injury, as a result of this I have been out of lifting regularly for about 6 weeks. I'm anxious, getting out of shape, and feeling pretty pathetic all the time.

I don't need a freaking pity party. I've already done that for myself, it's called my intervention.

Yes, you too can intervene in your own bad habits and addictions in order to heal and have a better life.

I wrote this post about feeling sorry for myself because I have commit out loud and in writing to myself before I change my habits. It's a thing about dedicating your efforts and energy to your goals and to your growth. If you do not grow, you will wither and die.

After fighting a physical injury and internal ailments (beyond the organs), I woke up this morning and felt a need to change things for the better. Stop feeling sorry and feeling tired. Tell myself to shut the hell up. Go out and chase that positive energy. Grow and become better than I have been. It's time to pursue my best life. I will put doubts to death. I will rise higher than the sun. I will be stronger than ever before. Day by day I will lay the stones to build a wonder, through hard work, not being a sluggard and slumber.

Evaluate where you are and decide if you need to dedicate something to yourself. Are you achieving your goals? Are you growing? What does it take for you achieve? What are you doing that's helping you reach those goals? What are you not doing that's hurting your goal reaching-abilities?

I prescribed a Medication of Self-Dedication. Now watch me flourish.

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