Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Word - Love - 3/2/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: to feel a deep affection or sexual attraction to someone or something

QuintessentialVoyage: to feel a strong sense of emotional connection and attachment to something or someone; this is often misinterpreted when it actually is lust. 

Love is a silly thing. Often we say we love a food, a place, an experience, and even people. 

Love is strong word that we may often misuse. I do love my parents and my close friends, now do I love hamburgers? If you're asking me the answer is yes, keeping true to the word the answer is probably not. 

Be able to love people and things, cultivate strong feelings and connections. Personal recommendation is that you should not be afraid of love inside of you, do not flush it out, do not burn that bridge. 

Love is something that we all should have because true love is pure and selfless and understanding and vulnerable and weak and strong and tremendous.

Let love swell in your heart. 

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