Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Mountain - 3/28/2016

Aesthetics of Work Ethic

Life is balance. When it comes to working, there are generally two philosophies that exist: the check-box mentality and the detail-oriented mentality. This of course discounts procrastination and other various forms that may lack the ability to actually complete the required tasks. You need to ave a drive in order to get the job done, otherwise you may as well be replaced. 

When I refer to aesthetics here it means relating to art or beauty. When you apply yourself to word hard and do a good job for reasons beyond "you have to." There is a real beauty in this day and age when someone goes above and beyond to apply themselves. 

As young adults this day will do what is required, sadly they have been conditioned to require reward upon doing what is required. The true reward lies in going above and beyond. 

Expecting a reward for doing what is required is like climbing Mount Everest and expecting publicity and a movie deal at the top. It's idiotic. You did climb it, but you must also complete the job with the same effort you began it with. There is beauty in completed projects and tasks. 

An old boss once told me: In school if you do everything that is required, then you will receive an A. In your career, if you do what is required, then you will receive a C. Going above and beyond acknowledges your desire for a better situation and that you know what it takes to do a great job. 

Another instance of just getting it done is like when I perform my weight training routine. If I just do the reps without correct form or the proper weight, even though I did complete the workout, I did not receive all that I could have from it because I lacked attention to detail and true effort from beginning to end. 

Do not simply check the boxes. Begin to seek out ways to do your job better. Imagine how wonderfully it will received completed and metaphorically wrapped up in a bow. Apply yourself to be engaged and involved in everything that you do. There is admiration and recognition awarded to those who artistically craft their projects with effort and attention and creativity.

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