Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday Mountain - 3/21/2016

Better Yourself, Better the World

Take some time to evaluate how you improve yourself each and every day. This is something that I've preached before, and I'm going to say it again, because it's that important!

Each step, each day you move towards a destination. Imagine it's like every decision and action moves you towards a good or a bad place, you can either build yourself a mountain or dig into a hole.

Almost all of us would prefer to fly rather than sink. It's a hope of the human spirit to rise above our shit and shine with the sun.

I challenge you to determine the process in which you improve yourself on the three following states:

  • Physical 
  • Emotional/Personal
  • Social/Interpersonal
These three aspects complete you life. Your physical presence in this world. Your representation of your soul to your heart and mind. Your personality and impression on the world around you. 

Eat a better lunch that what you had the day before. 
Take some time to pinpoint and evaluate an issue you've been bugged by lately.
Go out there and make a difference on somebody else's day.

Each of those things listed above can impact the world in better way through making yourself better each day and in different ways. Strive for a better self, the world will strive with you. 

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