Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday Thought - 4/7/2016

Too True Crew

Finding a Good Friend

Every one deserves a good friend. It's a part of our human needs and desires. There is always a need fora human companion. In romances, they always say that their significant other is their best friend. In my life, I have always strove to maintain a friendship that carries a lot of value to me. 

For instance, in High School I had made a lot of acquaintances and friends. There are only two that I have kept in contact with, partially due to mutual effort, consistency of personality, and the connection we had together. I have those two friends who I have made communication and seen several times over the past months. I see them at least once every couple months or so, during each reunion we spend several hours going over the events that occurred since we saw each other last. 

College is a different story because you grow and mature so much during and right after college, there are also a number of huge life changes that occur soon after graduation. If you do keep in contact with some friends, then there is usually some reason as to why.

When you find someone you connect with, whether it be on activities, experiences, personalities or whatever it may be. You can usually tell within your soul whether or not they can be a good friend to you. I encourage you to be a good friend to those you deem worthy and to politely and subtly ask the same from them. This would mean staying in contact, giving temporary updates, informing you of huge life announcements, including them in some sort of tradition, or whatever you deem necessary from them. 

I encourage you to find good people, have great times with them and create an unbelievable life with them for your future and for yourselves. 

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