Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday Thought - 4/21/2016

Provided by Power

I am a big advocate of strength in many forms. Strong Character. Strong Personality. Strong Bonds. I believe that Physical Strength and Power is very important. It's something that has helped me shape who I am today and has enabled me to become better each day.

If you know me personally you might be thinking to yourself: "Well of course you like physical strength, you're freaking huge." Or something of that sort. My friends, I will say you're not wrong. I do have a big and powerful stature, but I was not simply given this by the grace of God. This all rolls into my belief about why you should be strong and how it grows your other forms of strength.

Here are some reasons why you should pursue physical strength

  1. Enables you to defend yourself (and others)
    • As you become stronger your ability to stand up for yourself and others in situations grows into stronger defenses. Nobody really messes with the person they know that is strong, why? Because they don't stand much of a chance.
  2. Provides you ability to better perform daily tasks
    • I was once a Contractor and still help my parents with their Home Improvement. Having muscular strenght makes the simplest tasks way easier. Such as pushing a wheel barrow, moving mulch ot dirt, carrying lumber, or whatever it may be. Being strong helps you to handle those tasks with ease instead of just getting by.
  3. You can gain social respect
    • You can play the numbers game where you say "Hey man yeah my one-rep max is 250 pounds." Or you can just show them your abilities. When you begin to carry tables or move heavy objects without thinking twice (and by yourself), your friends and family will be amazed. Their amazement is a sign of respect. 
  4. Develops your work ethic
    • As you weight train you don't just go in and do a couple of lifts and go home. In order to be good at it you have to plan it out, practice form, pay attention to rep count, and then put in the work to attain your goals. Having a strong work ethic in the gym spills over to other areas of your life, if you're really determined. 
  5. Strengthens your attention to detail
    • Mentioned above, you have to pay attention to get really good at being strong. You have to do things the right way, a specific number of times, and keep yourself humble. Doing this helps you learn to pay attention to detail in other parts of your life instead of "just doing the reps"
  6. Forces you to practice your virtues
    • Perseverance. Passion. Humility. Honesty. Courage. Etc. It all helps here. Morals can be trained just like muscles are trained.
  7. Builds self-confidence 
    • Imagine how you'll feel after training, after improving, after enabling. Strive to be better and stronger, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish once you begin to believe in yourself. 

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