Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday Thought - 4/14/2016

Who am I?

Why I feel compelled to motivate and inspire others...

When I was growing up, it's not hard to meet the standard to continue moving on. It is not difficult to even exceed the set requirements to succeed in school or at a minimum wage job. The mindset that low-effort was good enough soon spilled over into my extra-curricular activities, I was a part of a math and science team, social studies team, the Boy Scouts, and high school football. There was a point in my last two years of high school where I realized that it would require greater effort to become successful in the long run.

I began to date someone my senior year of high school, they were okay with the status quo and were as average as average can be. Here my standards began to drop again... The standards were resting at the standard for everyone else.

At a certain point of my college life, I began to read a book called "The Heart and the Fist" by Eric Greitens. This book helped me to understand what it's like to be a man who possesses both courage and compassion. Page by page it tells the story of his life, his achievements, and how he has learned to grow and challenge himself. There was my turning point. 

Since having a realization that no one is responsible for my success but me, I have been able to challenge and grow and develop. My goal now is to help you understand what it is you want to do and how it rests on your shoulders for you to do it. 

I am a believer that any person can do great things if they want to, but as I have learned it is not the responsibility of anyone else to help you do them. In order to achieve wonders, the matters of how it gets done is between you, your tools, and the raw materials it takes to construct any significant accomplishment. 

I have not done anything great or everlasting in my life, yet. Through most every day, I have this gut feeling that begins in my metaphorical heart, the feeling that I know I can be a great man who will do wonderful things and in turn will enable someone else to do something awesome. That's who I am. I am a man who is going to be successful, who will spread positivity and change, I will foster growth, and reestablish our foundation on strength. 

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