Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Mountain - 4/18/2016

Fueled by Fury

Turning Negative Emotions into Positive Energy

In your daily life, it is not unusual to experience events that may inspire feelings of disappointment, anger, or stress. Every so often, those emotions can build up and seem overwhelming. I've experienced times when I had to deal with a compound of stress and rejection that made my knuckles white. It's a fact of life that we have to deal with the negative to balance with the positive.

So how does one handle these feelings? The feelings that are brought on from negative events that occur in life must be dealt with, now sometimes those require a 12-step process (e.g. dealing with the death of a loved one) but other times they must be funneled into an outlet. 

Let me break it down for you... For example, if you get a ton of items dumped on your plate at work and you have a short amount of time to complete all of that and your regular tasks, you're going to experience increased levels of stress. Now if this was you last week, you may be thinking "Shut up already." 

In order to return the balance of between positive and negative a conversion must take place. Take that fury and stress and disappointment or whatever it may be... Funnel it into something creative that benefits you.  This could be using your creativity or exercising your body or cleansing your soul or whatever you may do, but please be productive in response to whatever may be emotionally destructive. 

What I do is I take that anger or stress to the gym. I zone it out with music between sets and I convert all the mad thoughts and feelings into physical exertion of moving iron against the force of gravity. Once I am done with this process, I leave the gym with a weight lifted off my shoulders, my mind clear, and a system cleaned of negativity.

You are encouraged to find an outlet for those negative emotions in order to convert it into something positive and productive for yourself. Find that outlet, stick that fork of negativity into it, and feel the electricity of positive productivity course through your body. 

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