Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Word - Awesome - 2/24/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.

Quintessential Voyage: wildly exciting or intriguing; inspiring immense love and a feeling of its overwhelming power in comparison to the normal world. 

Typically used in a positive sense of something being great and working towards our preferences in life. 

Awesome by its straight definition can be taken as a negative word, however, through our usage and conversational context it is a positive word. Throwing this in as a reaction shows your pleasure with the outcome or the effect of something erring in your favor. Using the word to describe an experience or a place shows that it is a wonder, something so grand that in the scale to your own experiences of such things it makes them seem minuscule.

I love this word. I think it's Awesome. Yes I did that. Deal with it. 

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