Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday Thought - 2/24/2016

Thursday Thought

Matters of Maturity

Maturity is something that takes some time, you don't just learn it. It's not an instant fix.

Maturity and wisdom, in my mind, are synonymous. Imagine the more years and instances of life you see and experience, the better you become at understanding them and how to properly react. I've had to learn some of these lessons of maturity the hard way, making it a hard pill to swallow if you're proud.

I'm proud that I've had to learn the hard way, it means that I've actually seen the value of it even though I might not have at the time.

Work and your drive at work coincide with your maturity. A good worker will look for work to do, they will be proactive in solving problems, they know how to handle themselves in various settings, the patience does not wear thin, they do not need constant supervision, they can continue to fix and remedy any issues with minimal to no guidance, and they can be depended on to be at the right place at the right time. There will be more later on how this mentality of work and having a good work ethic just clicked one time... So stay tuned.

For your own sake, be an adult. Establish maturity. It goes a long way.

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