Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday's Mountain - 2/29/2016

Monday's Mountain


As days go by and work is compiled, you can not always hope for regularity of daily life. I have recently begun a job where I am traveling at least one day a week. In my last job I never traveled. This poses a challenge to developing a routine and continuing to work on things that motivate you. I mean about working on something other than your job.

For example, I write this blog. I also lift weights. Those two things help me stay sane and motivated, however, traveling away from home creates a problem with finding time to do those things. The need to do those things is not crucial, it is important to keeping my emotions in balance. 

When I have been traveling, I've been spending the last half hour of my day writing. Working out is a much harder endeavor because it takes anywhere from one to two hours of my day. In short, always find time to do the things that you do for yourself even when outside of your consistent daily life. Put some work in for yourself. 

Morning Motivation - 2/29/2016

Morning Motivation

Monday, February 29, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday Thought - 2/24/2016

Thursday Thought

Matters of Maturity

Maturity is something that takes some time, you don't just learn it. It's not an instant fix.

Maturity and wisdom, in my mind, are synonymous. Imagine the more years and instances of life you see and experience, the better you become at understanding them and how to properly react. I've had to learn some of these lessons of maturity the hard way, making it a hard pill to swallow if you're proud.

I'm proud that I've had to learn the hard way, it means that I've actually seen the value of it even though I might not have at the time.

Work and your drive at work coincide with your maturity. A good worker will look for work to do, they will be proactive in solving problems, they know how to handle themselves in various settings, the patience does not wear thin, they do not need constant supervision, they can continue to fix and remedy any issues with minimal to no guidance, and they can be depended on to be at the right place at the right time. There will be more later on how this mentality of work and having a good work ethic just clicked one time... So stay tuned.

For your own sake, be an adult. Establish maturity. It goes a long way.

Morning Motivation - 2/25/2016

Morning Motivation

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Word - Awesome - 2/24/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.

Quintessential Voyage: wildly exciting or intriguing; inspiring immense love and a feeling of its overwhelming power in comparison to the normal world. 

Typically used in a positive sense of something being great and working towards our preferences in life. 

Awesome by its straight definition can be taken as a negative word, however, through our usage and conversational context it is a positive word. Throwing this in as a reaction shows your pleasure with the outcome or the effect of something erring in your favor. Using the word to describe an experience or a place shows that it is a wonder, something so grand that in the scale to your own experiences of such things it makes them seem minuscule.

I love this word. I think it's Awesome. Yes I did that. Deal with it. 

Morning Motivation - 2/24/2016

Morning Motivation

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday Take - 2/23/2016

Tuesday Take

Some people will never 'get you.' Do not spend eternity asking why. 

People will see you differently, just cherish those who lift your soul.

- Dodinsky's Garden of Thought

You know what's funny? The fact I write this blog for other people to enjoy and become inspired. The more people I tell about it, the more diverse the reactions are from supportive to inquisitive to reluctant. Even my own parents have a hard time believing the intentions, its purpose, and who I am writing about. But I do not worry, those who appreciate and understand me for who am and what I write for are the ones that are the most important. 

Those who read this and understand what it's about are the people I care about. If you miss that this blog is about looking for inspiration in daily life, if you don't understand that I write about being the good and spreading that each and every day, and if you have difficulty conceptualizing what the best life is for you and your future, maybe you shouldn't follow my posts. Perhaps you actually should, and that this is just what you need. 

Let me take your hand, I can help you find what you don't even know you're looking for. I will enable you to become what you desire to be and where you wish to be, however, I will not tell you the procedure on how to get there.

Morning Motivation - 2/23/2016

Morning Motivation

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Mountain - 2/22/2016

Monday Mountain

Making Your Motives

You are a steam engine. A train on a track that you determine, it will take you where you want to go. Your locomotive engine is fueled from a fire, that drives steam through a turbine and creates motion. This motion propels you towards your predetermined destination. The hotter the fire, the more power you have going forward. The stronger the flame, the greater your ability to climb mountains. 

Design your destination. 
Build your engine.
Fuel your fire. 
Propel yourself to the peak.
Go on through the landscape.
You are able to do so much.
Decide what is best for you. 

Morning Motivation - 2/22/2016

Morning Motivation

Monday, February 22, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday Thought - 2/18/2016

Thursday Thought

Inheritance of Self-Worth

A view of yourself and what you're worth is influenced by so many external forces and voices. It's mind-boggling that the appraisal of your whole self does not carry as much importance to you as the price tag people stick on it. Go ahead and look deep inside yourself. What skills and abilities do you possess? What are your best features?

No need to answer these questions now. You should have at least one or two things for each that come to mind immediately upon reading those words. Sometimes it's hard to find a couple things you like about yourself, that's alright though.

In order to place a value on yourself, you have to know the good and bad things you possess. Look at the topography of the lands that make up YOU. Evaluate the cracks, crevices, minerals, and all the other things that would give land its worth. As a human being these features would be your morals, personality, mannerisms, quirks, beauty, passions, and so on. You establish how much they are valued, some people may not like someone who speaks their mind but if you like that about yourself, then you raise your value. 

Once you decide what makes you YOU and what what raises the value, you can understand how important you are to not only yourself but to those around you. From there you know that you are worthy of a certain level of love, appreciation, and so much more. 

In summary, your self-worth is inherited when you can be dead-honest and purely positive with you about who you are. Inherit a shitstain or inherit a castle. You would probably have a preference, but you should definitely build yourself up. How you view yourself is worth more than the opinion of one hundred strangers. 

Morning Motivation - 2/18/2016

Morning Motivation

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday Word - Enthusiasm - 2/17/2016

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster: A strong excitement about something; a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy.

Quintessential Voyage: An intense feeling of passion towards someone or something that when interaction with said activity or personality provokes emotions of ecstasy and bliss.

These definitions are fairly similar, however, there's more to it than possessing a simple passion about something in your life. It's that feeling of self-reward when you have do that hobby that you love or that heat produced by your heart from that individual person. 

I am enthusiastic about writing, enabling, bettering, and living. I challenge you to find your passions, what you are enthusiastic about and do that thing at or near the end of your day. There's something said about ending your day on an emotional high. If you can, I would encourage you to also find one thing you're enthusiastic about that you can start your day with. For example, I begin my days with weight lifting (a hobby I truly love and makes me feel awesome) and then I prefer to end my day reading an intellectually simulating book or article. 

What are you enthusiastic about? What two things can begin and end your day with heartwarming feelings of joy and happiness? If you are truly enthusiastic about it, you'll make time to do it and you'll enable yourself to do so. Chase those chills and build up a bounty of butterflies in your stomach. Share those rare feelings with yourself as much as you can.

Morning Motivation - 2/17/2016

Morning Motivation

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday Take - 2/16/2016

Tuesday Take

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." - Confucius

Goals are easy to set with low standards. Lofty goals are difficult to attain with low standards. Raise the standards of your work and the process you put into. Then you can achieve any goal.

Do not lower your goal to reach minimum standards. Instead raise your standards to reach your goal.

Morning Motivation - 2/16/2016

Morning Motivation

Tuesday, February 16, 2016