Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Importance from Impacts

Monday Mountain
October 10, 2016

Real Connections, Realized.

Take a step back from your day, and look upon the events that unfolded today. Now look at the people around you. These other beings are hurtling through time and space and society, their direction is effected by you and me and all those other things around us all. I'm not trying to blow your mind, just simply show you that everything you do is the effect of someone else, and is a cause to someone's effect.

When we decide to react to someone else's decisions we can either be too extreme, not enough, just right, or event the wrong decision altogether. Simply, do you overreact or do you let it slip? Whichever you choose affects their interpretation of you and what they will do next.

Where am I going with this? Evaluate your actions before you do them. It's a simple thing to do, it only takes a split-second that can change their whole day. Small actions with genuinely positive energy, now that's a potent force for a better day!

I'm guilty of overreacting or taking something personally, it's taken me years to realize how important it is to take it all with some salt. That pregnant pause is tragic when poorly used, but a wise man will use it to make a wise decision.

When you look back on today, yesterday, or any past days, consider how your decisions may or may not have affected the outcome of that day. Your presence in this life is more powerful than you may think. Act wisely, you can pleasantly surprised.

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