Thursday, July 28, 2016

From Father to Friend

Thursday Thought
Post #200

Dads are great. Anyone can be a Father they say, but not anyone can be a Dad. This is true. In my life, I have been blessed to have my dad involved throughout it all. Recently, I would say in the past half-decade, there has definitely been a shift in our relationship. He's become more than my Dad to me, it's something you see in movies and is idolized in narratives but I never thought it would happen to me.

He's been around my whole life, meaning he has had an influence on my hobbies and interests to an extent, that's probably helped shape him into someone I enjoy spending time with. We both enjoy fishing, weight lifting, building things, and a good beer (although our taste preferences on beer differ). It's been a pleasure seeing him in the mornings at the gym where we are able to talk briefly about what's going on in our lives, it's usually a brief conversation.

As my career progresses and I continue to navigate through the world of business as a marketer, my father's career as an engineer and a consultant for over thirty years allows him to provide me with insight and advice on how to handle business relationships and situations where I may not know how to resolve just yet. It's about having someone I can talk about business with, while also being able to talk about other issues or daily items without worry.

At this point in my life, he's no longer just my dad but also my friend. One of my closest friends. The value I hold in our friendship is tremendous. It's about having a connection beyond blood relation and the mentorship through father-son dynamics, it's about being best friends and enjoying each others company. Truly, I enjoy when I hang out with Dad. I only hope that my children will be able to say the same thing about me when they reach adulthood.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Power of the Puzzlebox

Wednesday Wander
Post #199

When your parents asked you to complete a chore, whether it be regular or additional duty, at some point you asked why you had to do it. We've all been there, perhaps you've been asked for the purpose behind a task. Often we communicate the necessity of doing certain actions and tasks without a solid rhyme or reason. Understanding comes with explanations of purpose, and with understanding comes greater effort.

This is more about a leadership principle than a personal lesson, however it can help you sort out your tasks and why you do them. Now that I'm thinking about this, you should ask yourself "why" as much as a seven year-old would ask you the same question. Why? By asking yourself why, you then provide yourself a reason which adds logic to your decision, if the logic isn't there then the foundation of your decision is faulty.

Let's dive into an analogy, shall we?

So imagine, you're at a game night with four or five other people and for some odd reason they decide to put together some 10,000-piece puzzle. Why did we decide this? Well there's no cover to the puzzle box and we like meaningless challenges, perhaps masochists or is that too strong a word? Someone hands you this corner piece and asks you to start putting your corner together. At first you may be glad to do so, but you don't even know what this puzzle is or what it's going to be, and even more frustrating you don't know what you're working on. Finally, another assembler of the puzzle finds the cover with the picture, it's a delightful picture of Labrador puppies on a well-manicured lawn with a beautiful blue sky.

What does this puzzle cover represent? It's the BIG PICTURE. I'll wait right here while you let that sink in, go on, they're waiting at the door. Okay, are you good?

By seeing the big picture you can see where you plug into the scheme of the operation and the overall plan. By knowing how you fit as part of the team's project, then you may or may not be comfortable with your task or position but at least you know what is required of you for the team to succeed. Your part goes into your purpose, and the overall purpose of the project.

If you hold the box, show your team the big vision or the puzzle box, they'll understand what you envision and where it's going, plus it gives them a solid "why" for their wondering minds. If you're on the team, slaving away assembling that green grass and yellow lab paw, don't be afraid to ask what in the hell you're putting together. Look at the big picture, but keep your focus on the details and the task at hand.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Strong Words, Strong Message

Tuesday Take

"It takes someone strong to make someone strong."
- P&G Commercial -

Yes, I this week's Tuesday Take is from a commercial. This commercial gives me chills every time it comes on for the Olympics. It may stir up some emotions within, but that's between my heart and me.

It's meant to be about mothers and the strength they display to their offspring while also instilling it in their young ones. They go through these situations where Olympians were once faced with tremendous obstacles, fears, dangers. Their mothers were there to assure, enable, and grow their child to give them the power to do these great things, to be put on the world's biggest stage.

You should invest in others, it helps make the world a better place. Nothing should be so exciting as seeing someone who you've helped become a success, even better if their success is tremendous. It's a cornerstone of being a great leader, enabling and empowering other people whether if they work for you, work with you, or you work for them. You can always build someone's strength in so many ways more than you think by just believing in them.

Let's build each other up to become wonders. Let's become so strong that we cannot be deterred, destroyed, or demoralized. Let's be great, let them be great.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Difficulty of Committing

Monday Mountain

There is a struggle in every day. It's a struggle of commitment. For everyone it's two peaks between three points, first is the decision and that's a tough climb, in the saddle it's the action, and finally in the climb down that's the final product. Those two peaks are the commitment points. Where you put decision into action and when you go from doing to completing. You've heard the phrase "Easier said than done." That's how commitment works.

For myself, my toughest commitments are to good nutrition, cardiovascular training, and my professional occupation. I love to eat, it's so easy to eat shit or to eat a lot of good food so that it becomes bad for you. Committing to positive nutritional choices for my health and fitness goals is the hardest decision I make everyday, it's got to do with the instant gratification and the here-and-now flaw of my being. Second worst commitment for me to make is the commitment to doing cardio training, because it's hard, it sucks. It's better in a group or as a competition, because in my mind I either can't let someone else down because of my lack of valiant effort or I don't want someone else to win because I'm not good enough. When it comes to doing cardio and running alone, I'm left with my thoughts and my mind and my own obstacles, I often don't want to face those.

Bringing it back to commitment, it's the point between decision and action and it's also the point between action and completion. What is your biggest commitment failure? What are your top three worst? Think about why, just as I did. Now that you know what and why you fail to commit, pursue that downward climb to completion. Face those reasons why you don't commit to those objectives, commit to those goals and complete them. Don't let yourself stand in your own way.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Dear Buffaloes: Open Letter to CU Football

Friday Freestyle

Dear Buffaloes,

As a graduate of University of Colorado, Class of 2013, our football team's record was 1-11 and that one victory came during an away game. It left us, the students and the fans, with something to desire. Now there's been three other football seasons since the fall of 2012, and I've seen ten victories on the football field over that time.

As a proud alum, a Forever Buff, I'm very passionate about University of Colorado from its academics to its athletics to its aesthetics. I am waiting for this season with bated breath. I ask you to do one thing for me, forget those past years. Anything can happen, and I believe you will emerge as outstanding players, coaches, and Buffaloes.

Go outside, look up at the flatirons. Playing football in Boulder is a true blessing, you get to stand among the mountains everyday. There are only three places you can be when you stand among the mountains, you can stand in the valleys hiding in the shadows of its past, you can continue to climb that mountain, or you can stand atop its peak. Where would you prefer to be? Standing atop the mountain should be your answer, you've been climbing since last season ended.

This season fast approaches, the emotions will run high as you prepare to face Colorado State in Denver. Just remember, there are thousands of proud alumni standing with you and cheering for you. Our greatest power is the Stampede. Our herd is strong, loyal, and dominant. Take the field every weekend with violence, force, and passion; show them the mighty power of the Buffaloes. Make them hesitate, stagger their step, knock the wind out of their sails.

I believe in you, as a team you can win every game this year. Live with a great heart, play with immense spirit, and applaud each other through every victory, both on and off the field. We all bleed black and gold, it's a bond shared between current, former, and future CU students. I am with you, as are so many others, shoulder to shoulder. Although we are not on the field with you, we are fighting with you, we are supporting you, and we stand with you. We are the Stampede.

Go Buffs,

Cole C.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Things Worth Living For: Applause

Thursday Thought

Things Worth Living For, Part 1


Thing worth living for? They're not exactly physical things, they're things experienced or things that are felt. Imagine with me, the moments in your life when you initiate the inner dialogue to essentially say, "Wow, how great it is to be alive?" 

Today, it's about the applause. This is not about the sound of the audience clapping for your success or their enjoyment of a show you just put on. It's about the acknowledgement from select individuals. Those who are lucky enough to receive support or encouragement from their parents, the statement "I'm proud of you" is a strong round of applause from one person.

The applause that some people may not give or receive quite enough is when the performer is a friend or the audience is a friend of yours. Not just any friend, but a true beloved, dear friend. If they're on the stage and perform a magnificent feat, like landing a great new job, finding the love of their life, or accomplishing something at all, you should applaud them. In these instances, my favorite alternative to an exciting clapping of my pair of hands is to say "Hell yeah man!" or something like "Dude, that's awesome!" Small statements like that carry much more meaning on channels between friends than when it comes from lesser valued acquaintance.

Most importantly, there's an applause from one person that means the absolute most and it often goes unheard or fails to be initiated. It's the applause you give yourself. Self-Talk is an important part of keeping things in perspective. I understand you won't necessarily be proud of what you've accomplished, but you should do it anyways. Whenever something is achieved or done well, take a minute when you're by yourself and have a quick internal dialogue "Hey, that's really cool that I did that." Whether or not you impressed yourself, you should understand the importance of acknowledging yourself for a job well done.

Since you're not Urkel, the words "Did I do that" should not come out of your mouth in a tone of astonishment. Clap with your words, pass along the encouragement to your friends, loved ones, colleagues, and yourself. The applause is not always desired, but it's always appreciated. Hell, that feel-good feeling... It's worth living for!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why I Hate Enthusiastic Support

Wednesday Wander

We are all pieces of art, we perceive each other in our own way;

only our Creator knows our true meaning and purpose.

I hate when other people show support for my successes and ambitions.

I know, it's counter-intuitive. I really do hate it, allow me explain why.

My successes aren't for you place your pride inside my root cellar. It's my own weight I bear. I pursue those peaks, weather the valleys, go beyond the expected, strive for new heights, nurse my wounds, stretch my energy, and push the limits. I don't do it for you to claim acquaintance with me, or to brag about my success like you had something to do with it. This investment in the victories is my own responsibility and my own reward.

You do not know me as well as you may believe. I'm no man behind the curtain, but there's a lot that goes on backstage behind the audience's perceptive vision. I hold alot within, these are soft and vulnerable pieces protected by this hardened shell of my spirit. It is a rare situation that comes when someone can judge me for my whole self, besides just one aspect or angle. We are all pieces of art and everyone perceives us each in their own way, and only our creator knows our true meaning and purpose.

Who are you pat me on the back or shake my hand? I mean disrespect by this, but those who cheer you on and emphasize your victories are not always there when you fail to win. It's not called losing, it's just like a falter step. You have a war to win, and a battle is simply not in your favor if you fail to win, so don't give up.

Supporting me or rooting for me... It's frustrating and it tends to really bother me, in fact it's more likely that your words of support will cause more harm than good. I feed off of the negative energy, the criticism, the doubt others will place in my ambition. As a predator, the meat of those comments against my dreams provides me strength and energy for the ongoing journey. So tell me what needs to be done, tell you don't think I can do it. I appreciate you more for that than for some encouraging words.

Do not tell me how good I will do. Doubt me. Go on, I dare you. Do not provide me accolades while I am mid-battle. Don't praise me for something. I want a blazing fire, not cool water. Charge me up for my ambitions require tremendous energy. If you want to support me, give me that look of support, a quick thumbs up. Acknowledge my struggle with understanding that it's not over and I still have more that I will do.

When I'm dead I'll rest in peace, until then I won't rest in the least. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

When You Find a Song for How You Feel

Tuesday Take

If you feel like underdog turn your system up loud
I've been to hell and back
For that I'm proud
So everything should be heaven from here on out

- OnCue "Can't Wait" -

This fellow is one of my favorite performers, of all time, every time he drops a track I download it and wear it out but it's got a lifetime warranty. This comes from one of those songs I can't get enough of. I put this track on when I am driving to a momentous event, in order to raise my heartbeat and my spirits. Works every time, there are of course two or three other songs that get played when it's time to get pumped up.

I've been on a life journey that hasn't always been easy, filled with heart breaks and aching wounds from so many different things. It's nothing quite what OnCue has been through, but his emotion and passion fuels my own. These lyrics have so much meaning and weight to them, I can't help but appreciate these words strung together in such an order.

To those who've been through Hell or even to it, I salute you. Come on back to the mortal world, and conquer those who haven't felt the heat of the devil. Feel great about the fire inside your chest, fueling your success.

Listen to the song here.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Standing Among Mountains

Monday Mountain

I went to a school at the base of mountains. These mountains were formed abruptly, not much unlike how an event can cause sudden change in us. The Flatirons were a tremendous backdrop for my college education while attending University of Colorado at Boulder, reaching into the sky beautifully and with majesty.

During my time at the school, I eventually developed an understanding of what it meant to study, to live, to stand in the presence of these mountains. As you study in the presence of such a beauty, you can't help but to gaze and learn wisdom for yourself as you know they've learned their own wise lessons. Their natural presence creates a desire within that fuels your own personal development beyond the school books and scheduled lectures. To live among the mountains means more than being in their presence while you take turns casting your shadow upon each other, it means admiring and enjoying things beyond your own life and daily routine.

Now to stand among these mountains, that's the glorious part of this all. You can either stand in their valleys, hiding in the shadows, or you can stand on their peaks, proud of your feats for getting you there. There's no standing on their slopes, you are either climbing or descending these angled pathways. You must progress through the ebb and flow of these paths, for you do not reside upon one mountain top, you must stand upon the series of mountain tops for continued pride and success. Resting on one mountaintop creates certain death of ambition and progression. Cowards reside in the valleys afraid of the light and the heavens, only to be washed away in the snow melt each spring providing reason for their own demise.

I ask you, the reader, will you choose to stand atop the mountains or will you hide in their valleys? If you desire something for yourself beyond sustaining and survival, then the answer should be clear. Safe adventures, there is no such thing. Trust the feats of your life to get you where you want to go.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Shot in the Dark

Thursday Thought

Shot in the Dark

Resolving Gun Violence

About this time last week, several police officers were killed while observing a peaceful protest of the recent deaths of two young men over the past week. Prior to the shots that were fired at the uniformed officers of peace... People were marching and stating their perspectives on what happened recently. Then the shots rang out.

There's a clip that was show on the news, showing the demonstrators walking proudly marching together, unified for a positive social change. Next you hear the cracking of the bullets being fired, you see these once proud, unified protesters scatter in fear. Violence does not require violence to make things right, that is a barbaric way to believe our modern world should work.

In order to prevent police violence against the civilian, there are a series of things that need to happen. This is me going out on a limb to outline a moderate's view on how to progress past these current issues.

We must change the interaction and reaction during dialogue between police and civilians by changing the rhetoric and expectations of both parties. Not all cops are bad, not all civilians are good. As one ethnicity versus another, we must stop assuming they wish to do us harm and approach it with a middle ground belief. If you stop trying to be ignorant, stop fighting the system, stop living in prejudice, then these issues can find solutions through understanding. Treating yourself and the other party with respect can suddenly initiate a better world through peaceful minutes and sober understanding.

Do not let your emotions run hot because of something that you disagree with or an event that caused harm to someone you relate with. Instead let the chills sink to your bones, let it warm your soul to wake up to the need for change.

Those who have died do not deserve a moment of silence, they deserve change in order to prevent the same events that took their lives. Let's give them peace in death, by providing peace with each other in this life. Enough is enough, we should all take care of each other and do all that we can to end meaningless violence here at home. Peace does not exist in pieces, it needs to be whole, which requires us as Americans to take part in this as one people, living in one country.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Your Journey & Evaluating It

Wednesday Wander

Update: For those who read Quintessential Voyage regularly, you will notice this is not set as the usual "Wednesday Word." In fact, it's been changed to the "Wednesday Wander." Under this new category those dual-definitions of common words will still make an appearance, however, the topics will be more fluid in regards to defining our journey through life, not just the words we use during it.

Your Journey & Evaluating It

As we go through life, typically there is some sort of definition of success you have in mind for everything you do. Through that success, you then have to evaluate what you've earned. Success and progress, both, don't come without taking risks. Most people in our society have a concern or a reluctance to take that leap of faith. 

You've seen this leap of faith, or the risky decision, immortalized in so many movies, television shows, and books throughout your life. Often portrayed as asking the popular girl out, going onto a new job, investing into something, and a million other possibilities. It's all about how you go about it. The leap of faith is not really up for decision for those you seek for counsel, nor is it their place to point out hazards or risks of such a decision. 

Possibly the riskiest thing about this journey, there is no map. The only guidance is a compass which measures the direction using three factors, your heart, your soul, and your mind. These three thins should help you along the way. Continuously on this path-forging quest, you must be willing to pause briefly and look back on where you came from and also be able to look far ahead of you to anticipate what may cross your path or stand in your way.

Unforeseen challenges and opportunities are a danger of life. Of course, depending on how you view these things, the word used to describe them changes, it's on you to shift the perception because it is you who will tell your own story. Choose wisely and look to make your journey a model for others and a lesson for some. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Keep it Sunny

Tuesday Take

"Always keep your face toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you."
- Walt Whitman -

Whitman's quote about being outside and in nature is a breath of fresh air (or at least it encourages those of us to go get one). His brief, one-sentence quote speaks so much more beyond enjoying sunshine and the world of nature, but it's always good to encourage life in the outdoors. 

Reflecting back on Monday's Post about Drawing Energy from those around you. This plays right in-line with that post... Who you are around, whichever energy you embrace becomes the energy your project onto the world around you. Your world is a circle of energy... Whatever energy you put out, mimics the energy that you get back. Some people may call that Karma, it's not necessarily Karma it's  just the way life works. 

Go towards the sunshine, embrace the warmth. Be the animal that uses photosynthesis to energize their progression. Be that sunshine for others, it repays quite handsomely.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Drawing Energy

Monday Mountain

Drawing Energy: Collecting from your Companions

Who you surround yourself with is a reflection of who you are. As they choose to have you around, it's a reflection of them.If you think about it, it could be like a series of mirrors. Now you're thinking of how this all relates... Well consider the energy that can be bounced back and forth between them all. The more this energy bounces between the mirrors, it becomes magnified over time. So as you are around negative energy it compounds to become darker and stronger, same goes for positive energy. 

Opposites don't attract when it comes to companions and friends, people like those who emit similar energy. Those who wish to grow will seek out those whose energy fosters growth. Take a minute, think about the people you want to be around. It's okay, I'll be here.

Okay, are you good? What's your answer? 

Uh huh, interesting. Are you saying that to yourself because it's what you think it's the right answer? Is it what you actually do? What are the type of people you actually surround yourself with?

You may want to reimagine who you are, who you want to be and what you want to do with your life if you evaluate this lack of positive energy in your group of friends. If you're okay with having crappy results and moderate victories, then you can keep your crappy friends and less than average companions. I suggest to you, since you read this blog, that you find those who desire success, crave happiness, and pursue wonderful things in their own lives, in order to enable you to find this on your own. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence: Being American

Monday Mountain
4th of July, 2016

Before we begin, take a minute to reflect on your definition of what it is to be an American. Time yourself to ponder this for actually two minutes.

There's a majority of America who define the American Life as it is represented in the Declaration of Independence, which is a great starting point. In truth, it holds very little weight in how our government functions and makes decisions. You should, however, shape your journey based on those three objectives.

  1. Life
  2. Liberty
  3. Pursuit of Happiness
Life - As an American, this means living life, not just living and breathing. This means having wild adventures, exciting stories, and moments that can provoke a variety of emotions that one may compare to a box of chocolates. I can agree with Mama Gump, you never know what you're going to get. Chase after events and moments that can cause your heart rhythm to become irregular for a brief moment of time or cause you to develop a temporary loss of breath. Life is a gift, but do not waste it, use all of it. 

Liberty - Pertaining to our freedoms, there is a limit on these as we cannot encroach on the freedoms or happiness of others. What we have for ourselves is the ability to speak what's on our minds, own and use firearms, and so on. Flex these freedoms and share them with your friends. There are fellow Americans who willingly go overseas to fight and defend those freedoms you may take for granted.

Pursuit of Happiness - Go forth and be happy. It's that simple. Be happy with yourself, with your friends, with your family, with your adventures, with your food, with your health, etc. Be happy, you can do whatever you like so long as it does not hurt anyone else's chances of being happy. Encourage others to be happy too, it's the best infection one could get. 

With this American Historically-based Holiday, go out there and blow something up, eat some dead animal (or vegetables shaped like meat-products), drink in some sunshine (and alcohol too, if you're of age), and finally be an American. Even if you're not an American every single day of the year, on the 4th of July everyone is an American. FREE AS HECK!