Monday, July 25, 2016

Difficulty of Committing

Monday Mountain

There is a struggle in every day. It's a struggle of commitment. For everyone it's two peaks between three points, first is the decision and that's a tough climb, in the saddle it's the action, and finally in the climb down that's the final product. Those two peaks are the commitment points. Where you put decision into action and when you go from doing to completing. You've heard the phrase "Easier said than done." That's how commitment works.

For myself, my toughest commitments are to good nutrition, cardiovascular training, and my professional occupation. I love to eat, it's so easy to eat shit or to eat a lot of good food so that it becomes bad for you. Committing to positive nutritional choices for my health and fitness goals is the hardest decision I make everyday, it's got to do with the instant gratification and the here-and-now flaw of my being. Second worst commitment for me to make is the commitment to doing cardio training, because it's hard, it sucks. It's better in a group or as a competition, because in my mind I either can't let someone else down because of my lack of valiant effort or I don't want someone else to win because I'm not good enough. When it comes to doing cardio and running alone, I'm left with my thoughts and my mind and my own obstacles, I often don't want to face those.

Bringing it back to commitment, it's the point between decision and action and it's also the point between action and completion. What is your biggest commitment failure? What are your top three worst? Think about why, just as I did. Now that you know what and why you fail to commit, pursue that downward climb to completion. Face those reasons why you don't commit to those objectives, commit to those goals and complete them. Don't let yourself stand in your own way.

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