Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Keep it Sunny

Tuesday Take

"Always keep your face toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you."
- Walt Whitman -

Whitman's quote about being outside and in nature is a breath of fresh air (or at least it encourages those of us to go get one). His brief, one-sentence quote speaks so much more beyond enjoying sunshine and the world of nature, but it's always good to encourage life in the outdoors. 

Reflecting back on Monday's Post about Drawing Energy from those around you. This plays right in-line with that post... Who you are around, whichever energy you embrace becomes the energy your project onto the world around you. Your world is a circle of energy... Whatever energy you put out, mimics the energy that you get back. Some people may call that Karma, it's not necessarily Karma it's  just the way life works. 

Go towards the sunshine, embrace the warmth. Be the animal that uses photosynthesis to energize their progression. Be that sunshine for others, it repays quite handsomely.

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