Thursday, December 31, 2015

No Posts on 12/31/2015 or 1/12016 - New Year's Celebrations

Temporary Absence of New Content Excuse:

Past Year Recollections and New Year Celebrations 

No new posts for Thursday, December 31, 2015 or Friday, January 1, 2016.

Look for posts in the new year on January 4th!

Thanks for reading, Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Word - Warrior - 12/30/2015

Wednesday Word


Merriam-Webster Definition:

A person who fights in battles and is know for having courage and skill

Quintessential Voyage Definition:

A person who sharpens their skills, trains their physical strength and abilities, posses courage and other morals, and who lives for honorable victories

I'm not hating on Merriam-Webster but their definition is a little outdated and in modern context the word "warrior" applies to a other classes of people, not exclusively to soldiers and troops. 

Warrior-citizens: that's what we should pursue to be. Possess within ourselves the ability to better civilized society and to defend our beliefs, loved ones, and homestead. 

The modern warrior is not necessarily skilled in the art of war. 

Warriors are: 
  • skilled in leadership
  • well-versed knowledge of the world around them
  • train their physical strength and abilities
  • protect and guard their loved ones and their homestead
  • enrich the lives of those around them
  • further their position within their tribe and society
  • preserve the good spirits
  • destroy the evil in the world
  • they have strong character that is supported with solid courage
  • they are compassionate to those less fortunate than them
  • a role model in all that they do

Warriors live their lives with the knowledge that life is only temporary but their legacy could last for eternity. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesday Take - 12/29/2015

Tuesday Take: 

Featuring a Bodybuilding Legend and an Action Star we all know...

"For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer." 

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

I love this. It's simply put. I continually live with two types of hunger, the hunger for lasting success and the hunger for food (HAHA!). To play off the example of having a hunger for food, not all people have the same level of intensity or similar frequency, even cravings tend to be different between pallets and people. 

This is what Arnold is trying to say... Do not simply be alive and survive day to day to get by. Force yourself to possess Hustle and Hunger to secure something for your legacy, achieve beyond yourself. 

Arnold's quote encapsulates what Quintessential Voyage is about, achievements, success, thriving,  living and so much more. 

What are you doing to move ahead?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

No Posts 12/23 through 12/27

Take this time and enjoy it with your friends and family for this Holiday weekend.

Monday Motivation will be updated on 12/28.

Thanks, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday Take - 12/22/2015

Sometimes when the mind is restless it may craft something beautiful and memorable or it may be useless and idiotic. This is how my mind works, I am constantly pondering and bouncing from topic to topic to topic. I usually create phrases, jokes, ideas, and countless other types of products in my head all day long, at any given place. 

I've been hungry over the past couple weeks and months, desiring to do more. 
Yearning you could say.
Without putting in the work (and hustle) that desire is meaningless, as discussed in previous "Wednesday Words."
You must push, burn, and endeavor to achieve what you want.
Once you earn that reward, the very achievement that your ego salivated for or that you daydreamed about. That feeling of success and accomplishment is tremendous. 

So on this Tuesday Take, I leave you with a crafted collection of three words that you may consider a recipe for a personal triumph success or simply a catchy phrase for people to hang in their cubicles. 


Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Fiction - 12/18/2015

What you perceive
What you believe
Is not what you see
It's not what's underneath
Try a new way
To get a feel
For who I truly am

Now this is flow
I wrote to be a jam
Some type of rap
Only hearing
my keyboard tap

Never wear an earring
No accouterments
But you'll see me gleam
Something shining
It's just my future tense
I mean, I mean

I'll rise and achieve
Only then is when
You'll believe
and you'll perceive
Until then
You'll to observe
I'll go get what I deserve

No one messes with me
but God blesses me
I'm appreciative
Thankful and humble
It's all I can give
Try at least
Each day I live
But its hard to be humble
When I'm this much a beast
At least.

I'll work and earn
Success is what I yearn.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Thought - 12/17/2015

"Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." - Henry David Thoreau

I have loved this quote since I had discovered it when I was about 19. It resonates with me that you should not swear off all vices and experiences that may be deemed less-than-good. My thoughts are that you should live with a purpose, have a life that goes beyond yourself and your worries. Do something good for others or beneficial for the common good, but also live your life and value yourself. 

Live your life, experience your life, do not be afraid of life.

What do you think Thoreau implied?
What is your reaction to this quote?
What do you do to be good for something?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Words - Greatness - 12/16/2015

Greatness is the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. This word carries a positive thought to it, however it is rarely assigned to people or things besides athletes. I believe to be perceived as great from other people, you must perceive yourself and your value as great. To be great is defined as having abilities or qualities considerably above average.

In my eyes, being great is not a single quality, ability, or characteristic, but a combination of all your good attributes and achievements paired with your qualities and abilities. Being great is a process of your whole being.

In this day and age, I believe the ability to be deemed "great" is within yourself. There is no real need for verification from others, as everyone is out to watch for themselves. Find value in yourself, enrich these valuable traits in yourself, and then you may become great. Develop, enhance, value, and appreciate yourself, becoming great will then follow.

Value yourself, keep perspective, stay humble, achieve greatly.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday Take - 12/15/2015

This week's take is on select sections of a poem that has tremendous meaning to myself, and I'm sure you've heard it in some shape or form in your adult life.

I love this poem and what it is about. It gives me a solid reminder about perseverance and resiliency in life. My problems are only minuscule. I have learned through my adaptation and repetition of this poem to welcome challenges and setbacks. These difficulties that may arise are merely challenges, an opportunity to overcome and show myself and others just how powerful and determined I am to be great. (Great is a loose term and tune in tomorrow for Wednesday Word on "Greatness".)

Take a look at this poem. Take a minute to break it down line by line. What are your initial feelings? What do you take from it? Who will you become after reading it?

By William Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday Thoughts - 12/11/15

Thursday Thoughts & Theories is meant to be a topic open for debate and conversation, while trying stay clear of politics. 

The first installment is about a word I first came across in Steven Pressfield's "Warrior Ethos."

Andreia - a Greek word for manly virtue that means prizing valor and honor as highly as victory.

In this day and age, there are many people, specifically athletes, who will win at any cost and have devalued sportsmanship and many other morals along the way. Some people hold values true to their heart, however they do not "win" quite as much as the spectators would like them to.

I propose this question to you, the reader, is it worth it to take the high road? Would you rather win than have a clean conscience? Why or why not hold yourself to a code of honor if it means sacrificing a victory?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday Word - 12/9/2015 - Peace

Personal Peace

This week's word is peace... freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.

There is so much noise and disturbance in our lives, you need to find a way to make peace for your mind and your soul. It may help you restore equilibrium to your mind and balance between crazy and calm.

For example, I take time at least once a day for roughly thirty minutes where I keep my phone away, the television off, and allow myself to mentally regroup and reset my thoughts. You should do this too, if not once a day at least a dozen minutes, every two to three days.

Peace will enable you to restore your mental state, it helps you to evaluate daily situations, life choices, etc. Much like uninterrupted sleep we all need moments of peace to recuperate.

This is not a very difficult concept to grasp and very simple to implement. I challenge you to spend about twenty to thirty minutes once a day over the next four days. The ideal would be around the same time everyday. You can read a book, observe nature, drink some coffee or tea, or anything so long as the only person you're interacting with is you and your psyche.

Peace will calm the war in your mind and enlighten you to the heavenly hierarchy of what your priorities should be. What brings you peace?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday Take - 12/8/2015

Tuesday Take #1

This category is do that quotes or poetry or short writings may be analyzed and utilized to inspire yourself to live that prime life.

One of my favorite persons is Ralph Waldo Emerson, many of his ideals and mine are aligned. Review his quote below:

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What does this quote mean to you?

New Posting Categories as of 12/8/2015

As a part of Quintessential Voyage, I have begun to re-evaluate the postings and its categories.

As of today, Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Quintessential Voyage will post weekly based on the following categories:

  • Monday Motivation - Images to help inspire and motivate for the week
  • Tuesday Take - Simply a quote, a poem, or some sort of writing composed by another individual. This may also include an explanation on its deeper meaning to myself.
  • Wednesday Word - Brief essay on the hidden meaning and connotation for a specified word of the week. 
  • Thursday Theories & Thoughts -  A hypothetical thought or theory on life and what goes on in our society, this should spark discussion and debate.
  • Friday Fiction - Short story or poetry that is based out of a fictional creation, however this writing may or may not have been inspired by true life events and experiences. 
  • No Topics on Saturdays or Sundays
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the above categories, feel free to e-mail me or comment on the post. Well composed reader submissions may be published on Quintessential Voyage, submissions are encouraged!

This blog is based on the pursuit for the best life you can live and an unforgettable voyage along the way. My goal is to have this blog become a reference of words and daily inspiration to turn your daily struggle into a daily celebration. 

Join me on this journey, I promise it'll be a trip of a lifetime. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday Words - 11/25/2015 - Strength

Systems of Strength

Strength comes in a variety of forms and may be exemplified in all sorts of ways.

Strength is defined as a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person thing.

Imagine if you were comparatively weak in all forms and ways... That is pretty daunting as it make daily life quite a feat.

Strength of Character is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of a good person. The morals and values that constitute your character are what help you to determine what you do in situations and scenarios where you have an ethical dilemma.

Brute and muscular strength is important for physical challenges, defense, and establishing prowess among other human beings (and/or animals). Physical ability may help you demonstrate your evolutionary development, athletic ability, or whatever you may need it for.

Strength of will and determination is great to help you persevere through difficult times or over obstacles and challenges. I would place this as the second most important form of strength, because it enable you to have resiliency through life.

There are a number of varieties of strength and multiple ways you can find something that is strong within yourself, whether it be your character or your ability to write or your positive outlook. In order for you to find the best out of your life, you must find the best within yourself. This will enable you to build confidence in yourself and your traits.  You will become able to react to life challenges and opportunities to hold on, persevere, sail away, counter, or whatever way you deem appropriate.

I challenge you voyagers in life to find your strength and through self-development become stronger. We always look up to super heroes for their strength, which is not because of their pure physical abilities (it doesn't hurt their admiration). We look up to theses comic book protagonists because they embody positive strength and strong traits aligned with the good side of life.

I challenge the voyagers to overcome something you might not have been able to conquer or survive in the past. Those small victories are immense achievements in the mortal world that we live in. Build upon those victories, they will become more grand in size and you will become more grandiose yourself.

Strength is developed over repetition and is built upon itself like a structure of masonry, the weight may be daunting but the reward is glorious. Let's become strong for ourselves and for each other. Let's see how grand we can build this wondrous world together.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday Words - 11/18/2015 - Appreciation

Appraisal of Appreciation

As usual, I begin a "Wednesday Words" definition of this week's word topic... "Appreciation.

Appreciation is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something, or it may also be defined as the full understanding of a situation.

As Quintessential Voyage carries the importance of enjoying everything in life. Those people who you love, the places you enjoy, and the little things that delight you, take a moment and show appreciation for them. To acknowledge silent appreciation that you say to only yourself or to proclaim that appreciation with such volume, either manner will assign value to them providing it with immense worth.

In my life experiences, I have noticed that being appreciated for what I accomplished or for who I am carries tremendous impact to my ego and self-esteem. The best type of motivation is encouragement. I do not live off of reward for my job or my goals, the value is purely intrinsic to myself. When I reward the soldiers under my leadership or the college students who I have employed, both groups delight in receiving the appreciation and show a growth of pride in their work. Who doesn't want to be proud of what they do?

Appreciate all things. I challenge you to take a minute today and say a polite statement of appreciation to three things that you value. If you were to appraise appreciation, its worth and value would mean worlds more than you may think.

The glorious thing about life is that you can make each day the best you can. While time is limited you need to really enjoy and acknowledge all that you have to breathe for, all that makes you smile, and all that makes your heart glow with warmth.

Daily appreciation of your life is the ideal way to beautify, enhance, and take pride in your voyage of a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday Words - 11/4/2015 - Progress

Process of Progress

Progress means to move onward towards a destination. Life is a journey. You move onward towards something bigger and better with each day, hour, minute. By comparing life to a journey, you may think that I mean your destination is death. You're wrong. Your journey leads you to a destiny or a purpose.

My high school football coach always used to say:
Each and every day, you get better or you get worse. You never stay the same.

Rise to the occasion each and every moment to progress yourself.

You may have a list of projects, one big task, or anything that requires a persistent effort, well do you know what it takes to complete them? The phrase "Do you know how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time." is the best representation of progress to achieve.

You must do more than what you have done to get you what you haven't yet received.

Progress takes place in many forms the small decisions, the extra effort, the short breath, a brief pause, big ideas, the list goes on. What do you do to progress?

Progress is a step in your voyage. What do you want your voyage to be? What part of your voyage is dictated to you? What part of your voyage do you get to decide?

What will you do to ensure you achieve that Quintessential Voyage?