Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday Words - 11/18/2015 - Appreciation

Appraisal of Appreciation

As usual, I begin a "Wednesday Words" definition of this week's word topic... "Appreciation.

Appreciation is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something, or it may also be defined as the full understanding of a situation.

As Quintessential Voyage carries the importance of enjoying everything in life. Those people who you love, the places you enjoy, and the little things that delight you, take a moment and show appreciation for them. To acknowledge silent appreciation that you say to only yourself or to proclaim that appreciation with such volume, either manner will assign value to them providing it with immense worth.

In my life experiences, I have noticed that being appreciated for what I accomplished or for who I am carries tremendous impact to my ego and self-esteem. The best type of motivation is encouragement. I do not live off of reward for my job or my goals, the value is purely intrinsic to myself. When I reward the soldiers under my leadership or the college students who I have employed, both groups delight in receiving the appreciation and show a growth of pride in their work. Who doesn't want to be proud of what they do?

Appreciate all things. I challenge you to take a minute today and say a polite statement of appreciation to three things that you value. If you were to appraise appreciation, its worth and value would mean worlds more than you may think.

The glorious thing about life is that you can make each day the best you can. While time is limited you need to really enjoy and acknowledge all that you have to breathe for, all that makes you smile, and all that makes your heart glow with warmth.

Daily appreciation of your life is the ideal way to beautify, enhance, and take pride in your voyage of a lifetime.

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