Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Mountain - 4/4/2016

Putting Forth the Effort

Finales are the sum of all your work

When you create an assembly line with machines, something that is often looked at is how efficient each machine is in the process. Imagine with me that each machine has 98.5% efficiency, so out of every 1,000 pieces crafted there are on average 15 that are not up to par. Now multiply that times ten machines, the number of actual pieces out of 1,000 that complete the process dwindles dramatically. 

The same efficiency is applied when you don't put in all the work that is required for your success. Just good enough is not actually good enough if you have the right goals. What is "good enough"? It can be calculated through the height of success that you wish to achieve and the end-state that you wish to be at when all is said and done. 

Your goals should be lofty and require efforts beyond the average work. If you choose to pursue something simple and average, then go for it, there will be less competition with those of us who are constantly hungry for success. If you have passion for success and wish to stand atop mountains, then I applaud you, but the effort required is greater than that of the average dream. 

Once you decide to establish your eyes on a high prize, the work required for each step of the way is already greatly increased. It's not easy to tell what is needed in order to achieve greatly. It's for sure not a minimum amount of effort or the average input. You will get out what you put in. So what is it that you are putting in for? Where do you see your hard-earned steps taking you on this journey?

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