Tuesday, November 1, 2016

CT Fletcher - One Bad Dude, One Great Quote

Tuesday Take
November 1, 2016

 “Some go big, I went enormous. Some set goals, I set milestones! Some climb hills, I climbed mountains! Some want growth, I command growth. Some said it was over, I Said f**k you!"
- CT Fletcher - 

After watching a documentary on Netflix about CT Fletcher, a former World Record-holder, you can immediately notice several things. I would expect nothing less from any average person drawing first impressions on someone as they tell an abridged story of their life. The first thing you might notice is that he is brash, his mouth is not very clean and he says what's on his mind. That's alright and good because he lives his life to back it up, and you would probably notice that second. 

He has a number of kids and few are true long-term supporters of him, but it appears that all of his kids are still present, supportive, loving, and putting in to help him achieve his dreams. I want that, to both support my parents in their goals and for my offspring to support me in mine. I know for damn sure, I will support them in whatever endeavors they wish to take on. 

Beyond who he is as a person, the words he is quoted for here speak to me. As I've come to realize, not everyone feels the same way as I do about being doubted, the underdog, or challenging one's self continually. I love these words and how they're assembled... Take a minute to appreciate the word choice and comparison of each. CT compares what the average or the Ordinary Joe wants to what he has done and continue to do. Pointing out success in the past and the desire and need for success in the future. 

Set big goals and achieve things through all facets of life. I set a goal last year to rep over 400 pounds on bench at least twice, what did I do? 405 pounds for three reps, and I made it look easy. I encountered a challenge when things did not go my way in my professional career, now I'm approaching a milestone that is rare for someone of my age and experience. 
What is your big goal? Where do your priorities lie? How will you achieve what you desire?

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