Monday, November 7, 2016

Amor Fati

Monday Mountain
November 7, 2016

Fate & How to Love it

Recently, I purchased a book that features daily readings of stoic philosophers, and in that book I came across a brief piece of wisdom that hit deep. It was this piece about acceptance and accepting fate, one of those things that once you read it you read it once more but more slowly in order to let those words marinate on your mind. Amore fati translates to the love of fate, but "it's not just accepting, it's loving everything that happens." (Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday)

As the dice roll and events occur, it's easy to say things are out of our control and to go on thinking with acceptance and indifference on any results that do not favor ourselves. I plead that you should love what happens, no matter what. For example, a relationship that you had high hopes for comes to an end, well that's something we all may feel bitter about at first. Following that event, you should focus on seeing the bright side to everything and loving what happened.

Once you can love the unfavorable circumstance and the events that unfolded, that provides you a recipe for happiness and joy. Perhaps it's best to think of  those dark events as dark clouds, sure they may rain or hail on you, but there's a silver lining and I guarantee it will help the flowers bloom in due time. Embrace the outcome you may not have wanted, because fate is not in your control, but in the end, you can be happier than you were before. That power lies within you!

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