Sunday, August 7, 2016

Since I've accepted I'll Never Be Satisfied

Monday Mountain
August 8, 2016

Funny things happen on late nights and early mornings. Interesting thoughts occur while plunged into one's own mind. Epiphanies come to those who are able to find company with themselves, with whom they realize the world and their desires. 

I have accepted I'll never be content again. I committed to that lifestyle in my youth and it left me feeling inadequate and hungry. It's not about being happy for me, it pertains to being happy with what I did, what I'm doing, and who I am.  

As a kid, I was okay doing what was asked of me and that was it. Now as a young man, who is still maturing and learning about life, I've evolved into wanting more for myself and what accomplishments I achieve. 

I'm not going to say I'm driven. I'm just not content with what I've been dealt to this point. I shall take the game into my hands and bend the rules in order to achieve the results I want. There's just something that clicked as I got older where i finally said it was time to kick my game up a notch because I believe I can do anything. 

For my own success and happiness, no one else can help me attain this, it's imy burden to bear. For you the reader, you may not care about this but to me the realization of never being content is a n eternal flame on my engine. 

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