Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday Take - 3/8/2015

"When you own your imperfections and you embrace your life, you become a better person."

- Dodinsky "In the Garden of Thoughts" - 

Take a minute and look at the things you have wanted to improve, fix, or heal. Now if you can't think of anything, that's good!

If a feature or attribute or feeling does come to mind, how would you go about remedying that issue?

I'll give you the answer, you embrace it and take ownership of it. Don't let it take ownership of you. Those specific blemishes are what give you character, color, and depth. Imagine how boring you would be without it. 

I'm not perfect, oh believe me I know that, however, I have been able to embrace and own my flaws in my personality and damages in my heart. Through this process the beauty of who I am, because of the developments and growth and pain of life experiences, is welcomed into my own heart first. 
Loving oneself allows it be easier for others to love you as well. 

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