Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Mountain - 3/7/2016

Hard Shell, Soft Spirit

It's a fact of life that it's hard. It comes wielding objects with the ability to pierce or to bludgeon us. It can be very painful to live life with an open heart and willingness to let people in to your inner circles.

I used to be very open and would allow nearly anyone in. Not everyone is going to be nice, polite, or considerate to you or who you are. 

I learned to refuse to let people in, but that does not work if you want to be human.
I tried to let people in if they proved themselves sort of friendly, that was too generous.

What you need is a balance of a hard exterior and a soft interior. This may not be motivational, but it needs to be said. You can go through life without letting anyone in and it will only lead to unhappiness and loneliness. You can go through life while letting anyone in and it will only lead to pain and suffering by the select few who hurt you.

Find those people who you can let in, it may only be one person or it could be twelve different people, that choice is up to you. You should invest in those people who you can be yourself around and tell your secrets to. You should be willing to let them be themselves and listen to their secrets. It's really important to filter out who is in your life by what they are contributing to you and your life, and it's even more important to contribute back to them and their life. 

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