Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday Words - 10/14/2015 - Hustle

What Hustle is & How to utilize it

Into the second week of Quintessential Voyage, I'm looking forward from the last post about what work is and what it means to me. Moving onto what goes into work... Hustle!

Hustle is defined as "busy movement and activity." My definition has a different take on it... Hustle to me is the way you pursue the goals, how you achieve at work, the manner you go about your business, and the process you go about conquering each day.

Hustle is the effort towards accomplishing what you want. What goes into success is the continual effort.

This is a version of energy and effort, it goes beyond just the  minimum or the expected or average. At this level of exertion, you are enabled to achieve more than you had thought before. Hustle is about seeking challenges, opportunities, growth, and becoming your best through applying yourself at work.

As I prepare to hustle day in and day out... I pursue to be the best version of me each day. That best version of you is not a static goal but rather a sliding scale. It's always improving as you are.

Continuously challenge yourself and what you accomplish will obliterate your perceived limitations.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Film - 10/9/2015

Film Friday #1 - Work

Film Friday is my time to talk about personal experiences and life lessons. It's meant to be personal, it may get emotional, and I'm okay with both of those. I am very open, nothing revealed on here (yet) will be groundbreaking or news to anyone who knows me. There may be somethings that people don't know, here's their chance to learn now and in future episodes.

I'll upload these to the Quintessential Voyage YouTube Channel and possibly more videos as I develop the direction of this.

Check out the video here:

Thoughts, questions, comments are welcome. Thanks!

- Cole

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday Words - 10/7/2015 - Work

Outlook and Opinions on Work

As I'm writing the first Wednesday Words, I'm still developing the formula to make this a successful and popular blog. A few views here and there are good and all, but I need some subscribers and regular viewers. If you have a topic or idea for the blog, please e-mail or comment below!

This first post will be regarding my general outlook on work. Originally, I had the idea to write about my perspective on life, however that is the purpose of this blog so we will get there.

Work is defined as: activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

That definition encapsulates its essence but really, what result do you, me, or we want to achieve? Everyone has different objectives and goals, it's a part of the balance of it all. 

My opinion holds that work should provide you the ability to:

  • Support yourself (and your loved ones)
  • Make yourself happy
  • Make yourself productive
Work is only as good as you make it, now it's not always appropriately rewarding intrinsically or extrinsically based on your effort and commitment.

Work is what you make of it. Turn your effort into something positive for yourself, for others, for family, for society, etc. Don't simply do it for you. Do something for the greater good and you'll be rewarded for it in due time. 

I commit myself to working at the gym, on my mind, in my career, with my family and friends, and as an inspiration for society. Work is the first step to getting what you want. You have to put in to get out. It's the first part of a process. Stay tuned for more. 

Have a thought or opinion on this post? Let me know in the comments below.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

First things first...

First things first, I am a man. I'm not perfect, but I am in pursuit of achieving my best possible self. I am an infantry officer in the Army National Guard and I work in Marketing and Public Relations for an amusement park. In my life, I am determined to be achieve what some subjectively call as "perfect," however it is all a matter of opinion and there is always room to grow and accomplish more.

To help me develop myself day in and day out, I break my life into three general subjects:

  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  3. Social
Having my life in three areas keeps it simple and easy to prioritize without getting lost in the details. As I write more posts, I will focus on development and enrichment of these three areas of life in order to make the most of it. This blog's purpose is to motivate and inspire you, the reader, to live a better life and pursue the best in all that you do. 

The plan for this blog at this point is to follow the schedule below:
  • Monday Motivation (Photos/Images)
  • Wednesday Words (Written)
  • Friday Film (Video)
As this blog develops, I am always open to topic suggestions and will respond to feedback as we go along. 

Join me now as we embark on the quintessential voyage. 
