Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How Your Vote Got Trumped

Wednesday Wander
November 9, 2016

Suck It Up, Your Vote Got "Trumped":
How the system beat you

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Ha! I feel about as smug about that pun as Secretary Clinton did at that one presidential debate when she said "Trumped-up Trickle-down economics." But in all seriousness, the Donald Trump is the Presiden-Elect and we need to deal with it. Everyone is posting on Facebook at how ecstatic they are or how pissed off they are at the results, it's all very childish. To my all my friends I will tell you the end of the American-era is not upon us, the Presidency is not a dictatorship, and four years will go by faster than you think.

Righ now, I'm attending a conference in an area that has historically voted "blue" and today they're probably feeling really blue about the 2016 Presidential Race. A lot of voters who backed the Republican candidates may be joyous today or even have a sour taste in their mouth as if they ate a bad apple. Our 45th President is not a favorite for a lot of people and from my stance a strong moderate (I'm working on trademarking it) I can understand why. I can also understand why people would want to vote for the Republican Party's Nominee, how can I do such a thing asks the Left-Wing? It's called being objective and weighing the facts.

As far as how the Electoral College chose one leader and the Popular Vote chose another, let me break it down for you... In states that the Democratic Nominee won, she won BIG, such as Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and the whole West Coast. By big I mean, for every vote to Trump Clinton received 1.5 to 2 votes for her. In California, she received almost 3 votes for every 1 vote for Trump, and that state alone could have switched the gap. For Trump, the Swing States  that he won he squeaked by, squeaked by meaning the difference between the two was less than 2% which is the normal percentage for most Presidential Elections in those states.

Is the Electoral College out of date? Should it be repealed? Again, I can see both sides. The popular vote allows the general population of the vote to determine the head of the Executive Branch. The Electoral College allows for each state to represented appropriately based on population, very similar to the House of Representative and the number of delegates.

Let's look at it this way: If we take out California's votes, which has 53 seats in the House of Representatives (out of  435 voting representatives, 12% of the House!), only 16 of those are actually Republican Reps. Rounding up to 70%, 37 of their Representatives are Democrat which actually is 20% of the Democratic seats. If we pull their 5.5 million votes for Mrs. Clinton, that puts Mr. Trump in the lead with the Popular Vote by nearly 5.3 million votes. Just because all the gap between the Winner and Second Place finisher of the 2016 Presidential race was -202,340 votes but +51 Electoral Votes, does not mean the system is broken.

How can the Democrats solve this issue? How do the Republicans handle this issue? Simply point to the fact that your candidate won or lost by way of the current system, and do what you can to make sure your voice is heard by your elected official at all levels, in both federal and state (including local too). What you should not do is post on social media complaining or brag about the election, it does just as much good as stating the issues at the neighborhood bar, it is only jaw work. Your best solution is to do something to support your political views for the next election, gain as much backing as you can in your area (reminder the majority wins your state and your state alone).

If you don't like the results of the election and you are delaring you will leave this country because you fear for what may happen with our new President-Elect, go ahead and leave because that's not the American way to do things. We don't run, retreat, or cry. Yeah, you may not agree. As an American citizen, if you voted and you regret doing so in this election, that is the same thing as regretting having freedoms and I ask you to reevaulate your life choices. My views were not accurately represented by either candidate very well, but I do not regret my vote. Stand for what you believe in, accept the circumstances, and move forward.

Donald Trump is the next President of the United States and that's the results of the election. We have to deal with it, we can keep throwing tantrums in the form of riots or we can go out and make sure our voice as an American is heard justly and fairly through representation in government. Sure some of you may not like what happened, hell the Popular Vote has indicated a different candidate won that the Electoral College four other times in American History (most recently in 2000), but it must be accepted as the truth. Going forward, we must love each other, treat one another with respect, and always do what is morally right no matter what someone else is doing. Speak your mind in a civil and respecting manner, but also listen to what everyone has to say. I plead to you all Americans, let's be support one another in the betterment of our society and strive for equality to be true for everyone.

Disclaimer: I shall not tell you who I voted for because I believe casting a ballot is like blowing out birthday candles, if I tell you who/what I wished for it might not be true. Also, I don't like people pressing their opinions on me based on their opinion of my own. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Unavoidable Circumstances

Tuesday Take
November 8, 2016

Taking What You Have & Making the Best of It

The philosopher Aeschylus once said, "When the gods send evil, one cannot escape it." Now that may sound to you like the one sentence plot summary of Final Destination, that's not what he was saying. There's a truth to fate & destiny, we can't control it, there's a higher power than us. We control such a small portion of the world around us and even of our own lives, but don't sacrifice your effort and diligence because you don't have total control.

Imagine it like this... There's this life you're going to live and there are a number of factors that calculate to where you're going to go and what you will be tasked with. Some of that you may get to choose and decide how you react to those events, the other portion of your life is chance or what I would deem as fate or destiny. When life gives you a task or a challenge, you should do your best to conquer it and own whatever the outcome is, meaning just accept the win or the loss and continue to roll on.

We are conscious beings who actively make decisions throughout every waking moment of our lives. You must also understand that not amount of prosperity, no amount of difficulty, is certain forever. Those losses may become victories over time and a triumph may morph into another challenge for your own life, it's all about how you own up to it and accepting what's occurred. It is encouraged to be your own champion, every day and throughout the day. There is a possibility that if you will something with enough force and passion, you can make it happen even though the tides of the world are against you. Your soul knows your true destination in life, use your physical and intellectual self to fulfill what your heart longs for and fulfill your destiny.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Amor Fati

Monday Mountain
November 7, 2016

Fate & How to Love it

Recently, I purchased a book that features daily readings of stoic philosophers, and in that book I came across a brief piece of wisdom that hit deep. It was this piece about acceptance and accepting fate, one of those things that once you read it you read it once more but more slowly in order to let those words marinate on your mind. Amore fati translates to the love of fate, but "it's not just accepting, it's loving everything that happens." (Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday)

As the dice roll and events occur, it's easy to say things are out of our control and to go on thinking with acceptance and indifference on any results that do not favor ourselves. I plead that you should love what happens, no matter what. For example, a relationship that you had high hopes for comes to an end, well that's something we all may feel bitter about at first. Following that event, you should focus on seeing the bright side to everything and loving what happened.

Once you can love the unfavorable circumstance and the events that unfolded, that provides you a recipe for happiness and joy. Perhaps it's best to think of  those dark events as dark clouds, sure they may rain or hail on you, but there's a silver lining and I guarantee it will help the flowers bloom in due time. Embrace the outcome you may not have wanted, because fate is not in your control, but in the end, you can be happier than you were before. That power lies within you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

CT Fletcher - One Bad Dude, One Great Quote

Tuesday Take
November 1, 2016

 “Some go big, I went enormous. Some set goals, I set milestones! Some climb hills, I climbed mountains! Some want growth, I command growth. Some said it was over, I Said f**k you!"
- CT Fletcher - 

After watching a documentary on Netflix about CT Fletcher, a former World Record-holder, you can immediately notice several things. I would expect nothing less from any average person drawing first impressions on someone as they tell an abridged story of their life. The first thing you might notice is that he is brash, his mouth is not very clean and he says what's on his mind. That's alright and good because he lives his life to back it up, and you would probably notice that second. 

He has a number of kids and few are true long-term supporters of him, but it appears that all of his kids are still present, supportive, loving, and putting in to help him achieve his dreams. I want that, to both support my parents in their goals and for my offspring to support me in mine. I know for damn sure, I will support them in whatever endeavors they wish to take on. 

Beyond who he is as a person, the words he is quoted for here speak to me. As I've come to realize, not everyone feels the same way as I do about being doubted, the underdog, or challenging one's self continually. I love these words and how they're assembled... Take a minute to appreciate the word choice and comparison of each. CT compares what the average or the Ordinary Joe wants to what he has done and continue to do. Pointing out success in the past and the desire and need for success in the future. 

Set big goals and achieve things through all facets of life. I set a goal last year to rep over 400 pounds on bench at least twice, what did I do? 405 pounds for three reps, and I made it look easy. I encountered a challenge when things did not go my way in my professional career, now I'm approaching a milestone that is rare for someone of my age and experience. 
What is your big goal? Where do your priorities lie? How will you achieve what you desire?